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[]The Pope
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Create a new thread for it!

Oooooo aaar! Get orf ma thrland!

Learn to look, look to learn.
16.02.04 22:09
Post #46
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lol ok
will do ;)
16.02.04 22:11
Post #47
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Pope why dodn't you make a gordon freeworm now that the comp is over. I'd love to see yours.
18.02.04 13:42
Post #48
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Locked because i think it's over. Pope can still post the gordon freeworm because he's a mod. I doubt he will tho.
18.02.04 21:04
Post #49
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[]The Pope
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And you sir are a fool!

You can get off my thread for starters. If you would think back to what ReadMe said, threads should only be locked when the breaking of forum rules occurs or there is alot of SPAM.

Since I see neither here, I've unlocked it. Oh and if I did post my Gordon Freeman, I'd do it to see what everyone else had to say about it. But if the thread was locked, they would have no where to comment.

Learn to look, look to learn.
19.02.04 09:30
Post #50
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19.02.04 10:37
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[]SPAZ$1has a notion of pope speaking in the accent of a medieval kind. :) Please do post your Gordan Freeman sig worm. I'm sure it'd be excellent.
19.02.04 18:20
Post #52
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i want to see it too!
19.02.04 19:05
Post #53
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I locked it because the topic was over. Seem that it was and that u didnt want anyone in it.
19.02.04 22:49
Post #54
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Yay! I won! Gj to all my underlings though XD j/k

20.02.04 13:43
Post #55
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Congratulations Fuzz ;)
20.02.04 16:52
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

yeah, way to go fuzz. we are all frollicing in joy for you. no but go on pope, post your worm. WE WANNA SEE IT!

An image!
20.02.04 16:59
Post #57
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