
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » Need a certain sprite

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I'm trying to put together a fire punch using thes images:

Start of firepunch

On the way up, punching, and spinning

The only problem is, Once the worm punches, I want it to spin the rest of the way and land, but I can't find a sprite for it. Could someone find me an animated image that could fit this need?
29.01.04 00:52
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wouldnt that be just the opposite of the first one? Without the hand.
29.01.04 02:21
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can you make a sprite? by copying and pasting the frames instead of importing then putting the two together? Pope? can you do you? and then save it as a gif and post it so we can use it :)
29.01.04 02:53
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The punching sprite is used for the worm launch and landing. First tween him upwards until the punch makes contact blah blah...and then tween him down. If you like ingame, it uses that sprite only for the up and down movement...

And could you explain what u want for the other animation needed.

Learn to look, look to learn.
29.01.04 10:01
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