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No, that doesn't count toward your sleeping in the cabin. So you'll have to start over AGAIN... Ah well, such is life.
26.02.04 02:48
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Glenn, do you know if you have to beat Gunner's Gauntlet? (level 1) to get 100%?

26.02.04 22:50
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You at least have to finish the first round of it (when you first enter Besaid in Chapter 2) in order to get 100%. This is because there is a short dialogue after winning the Gunner's Gauntlet. Also, if you don't complete it, you can't get Episode Complete! in chapter 5 for Besaid. Really sucks, doesn't it. Me personally, am really enjoying the Adamantine that you get for reaching level 10 of the Gunner's Gauntlet :).
27.02.04 01:45
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damn, good thing I have a save file before Gunners Gauntlet

27.02.04 03:48
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If you want some tips for Gunner's Gauntlet, then here you go:

On your first attempt at it, take it slow and easy. Use your Death bullets on the Gryphons (at least, I think their Gryphons...) only, and make sure you save one for the robot at the end.
Use and abuse those double shot bullets as well. If your firing on one target, and another comes running up, hit lock-on again to add that enemy come up on the HP list.
Also, as you go up in levels, Volley shots start to appear. ONLY USE THOSE WHEN YOU HAVE SEVERAL HIGH HP ENEMIES IN THE AREA!
Finally, it's much, much easier to get to level 10 from a lower level like level 6 (yes, you can skip levels and still get the prizes for the skipped ones).
27.02.04 21:48
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Quoted :: Glenn

Use your Death bullets on the Gryphons (at least, I think their Gryphons...) only, and make sure you save one for the robot at the end.

The Roc type thingies? (not rock, Roc, the bird that eats the Shoopuff)

(Randomness: Will yoo ride zee shoopuff?)

27.02.04 23:45
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Yeah, THAT's what I'm talking about. The great flying windbags. Waste them with a Death bullet, they have WAY too much HP to wear them down with your regular or double shots.
28.02.04 02:03
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Is it sad to download the theme to FFX-2 "Real emothion"?

28.02.04 12:15
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No, because both myself and AbdBoy have the song (both versions). It's perfectly normal. Now, when you start download stuff like the battle theme, THEN you have to worry.
28.02.04 14:32
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Quoted :: Glenn

No, because both myself and AbdBoy have the song (both versions). It's perfectly normal. Now, when you start download stuff like the battle theme, THEN you have to worry.

I'm a sad person. (If you really think of it, music does play an important role in the game. But I think FFX-2 music sucks)

What if I got the vocals?

28.02.04 15:04
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Vocals, I would say is kinda odd, to have on ya PC. Battle music is Super Sad to have.

Wait, I was sad for a minute, I had the golden sorcer music from 7, and so Is Sparks, he has the whole OST.

28.02.04 16:41
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But the vocals are the cool ones. It's got Rikku, Yuna, AND Paine singing.

28.02.04 17:03
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Yo, Abd, how's about a FFX-2 soundbank for worms, you have the vocals?

28.02.04 19:52
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Your an idiot. I don't think you actually read that last post I made

28.02.04 22:45
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whups......But they might sing "La lala la ....OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" ya can never know.

29.02.04 08:40
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