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would should i do in a new map design?

15.01.04 00:03
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The editor will import the most commonly accepted image formats, including Bitmap, JPEG and Targa standard. These files must be of a compliant .bmp .jpg or .tga file extension type and other than that there are no requirements to load your images in a special format.

Whilst the pixel size of the terrain is 1920x696 the size and proportion of your imported graphic is not important. The editor will shrink the file if it is larger, or offer to expand or centre it if it is smaller.

The most important thing to note is that any pixel that is coloured black (i.e. RGB 0,0,0) will be treated as transparent. It is these areas that will act as the background, where worms are placed and can move.

You can edit the image you wish to import in any of the popular image processing applications, colouring black any areas that you wish to appear as transparent/background in the game. This way, you can clear sections, add tunnels and more besides. It is important to note that the game will check levels and make it's own holes if a level does not have enough free background space to start the game.

It is not possible to use the terrain editor painting functions with full colour levels. The levels are processed in a different format. If you wish to edit the import graphics, then use Microsoft Paintâ„¢, Adobe's Photoshopâ„¢ or a similar application.

It is not possible to play on full colour custom levels in Internet games.

Some clipping of the level may occur if the height is too great (i.e. more than 696 pixels).

Unfortunately it is not possible to edit the starting water level with a full colour custom level. This is due to the fact that changing the water level would mean re-processing of the image every time, which takes time. Should you wish your level to start nearer the water, we suggest that you edit the image directly in an image processing application and move the graphics towards the bottom of the screen.

Import file destination folder requirements and implementation
Simply copy your image to the USER/IMPORT folder in the Worms Armageddon game directory (an optional shortcut can made to the desktop for this purpose).

15.01.04 03:33
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