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the font that looks like the font used on neverwinter nights.

10.01.04 19:54
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

heh nice sig readme, simple but good.i want to go see teh last samurai, looks good

An image!
10.01.04 19:54
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Saw it last night, it's actually pretty good.

Dunno why they cast tom cruise into the part, but it's a decent story and the action is good.

After seeing the film i've decided that i could do a mcuh better one that relates to the story a bit more, tada:

NOTE: couldn't do a horse so a cow will have to do.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.01.04 13:41
Post #18
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That would be cause its teh NeverWinter Nights font eh? ;)
11.01.04 16:08
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nope, it's Andy, comes with win98.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.01.04 16:38
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An image!

U'll have to sort out the white pixels bcos I've no idea how to in fireworks.

Anyone feel free to use the horse or for what eva animal you want to use it for...

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.01.04 17:37
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well MY comp sez its neverwinter, so :P
11.01.04 21:02
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hmm, if it's anti aliased is ther any chance you can post the fireworks PNG?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
11.01.04 21:28
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An image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.01.04 07:42
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fat horse eh?
12.01.04 14:58
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Guess whice animal was slaughtered to create that worm-esque image.

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.01.04 15:26
Post #26
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probs the mad cow
12.01.04 18:11
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Indeed it is. Mass skin surgery, nose job, leg editing, eye swapping and lypo suction.

Learn to look, look to learn.
12.01.04 18:50
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I thought it was a worm in a costume. Mind you that's what i think a madcow is too.
12.01.04 22:22
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the madcow just took his spotty coat off that's all.
13.01.04 21:50
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