
BTForum » Main BTP Stuff » BlameTheGeneralDiscussion » Help plz

I can view the site normally, AFTER i deleted my cookies but after logging in i get the page cannot be displayed thing. It does say at the side that im logged in. wtf is with that. I wasnt logged in. and my m8 sez it was there when i wasnt on the site to. :?
29.12.03 17:42
Post #1
[G]Teh Wishmaster aswel
SO i cant edit my post...

Meia cant get on either and possibly others. same problem afaik
29.12.03 18:12
Post #2
everyone cant..but for sum shows im logged on atm..
30.12.03 23:47
Post #3
[]The Pope
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Hello moto!

Learn to look, look to learn.
02.01.04 15:58
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thats odd i logged on fine. odd :twisted:

02.01.04 15:59
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lol the site was it is up........not much question to that........
02.01.04 17:05
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no i mean that they have had trouble logining in.

02.01.04 17:11
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well everyone did..u just don't come to btp enough to notice. And if u could log in then why didnt u post on the days no one could get on eh? Just face couldnt get on or your too stupid to notice you couldnt get on.
03.01.04 02:11
Post #8
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It should be all fixed now. I was told it only affected those who were logged in when the site went weird or something.

Reply to the email I sent:

"I haven't personally had much time to do anything over the christmas holiday, but yes, this was a problem that only happened to logged in users - (which explains why toher people could see it), which has now been fixed... finally."

03.01.04 17:00
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heh, yep, [S]Zogger!$1sent that email...

I've just added a quick feature to let you post using your username & sig etc. if we ever have the same problem again, so that you can still post while logged out. by filling in your password on the post reply screen.

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.01.04 17:59
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i never got an email. :O
03.01.04 23:50
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its cos we are unimportant/didnt ask ;)
04.01.04 10:18
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

I AM BACK, prepare yourself for some spam
05.01.04 12:34
Post #13
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