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no. :(
15.01.04 23:47
Post #46
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well imageready does!

btw imageready is a side program to can fly back and for with the click of the mouse....and it saves your changes in between switches and transfers the changes back when you go back :)
i've never been able to use imageready though because to switch to it you have to have two MASSIVE programs open at once...if you don't have an amazing computer it goes sooo slow....if you are making a document bigger than 500 pixels it'll really go slow.....might even freeze.....oh well...
16.01.04 03:24
Post #47
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i remember imageready was only good for making previews of maps.
16.01.04 03:46
Post #48
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lol it has a frames and timeline thing i think...(if i remember correctly)
16.01.04 04:02
Post #49
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Yeah it does. I used it to optimize animations before I knew how to optimize stuff in fireworks.

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16.01.04 07:39
Post #50
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ahh that is told me that when i asked you a question about imageready.....
16.01.04 17:49
Post #51
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yeh I can never run photoshop & imageready at the same time either, you always have to close one before you can even save in the other

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16.01.04 18:53
Post #52
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An image!
16.01.04 19:18
Post #53
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didnt know there were others on here using ImageReady. I like it.

I never have any problem using Photoshop and ImageReady at the same time though, dunno what's up with that.
16.01.04 21:04
Post #54
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lol spaz. That looks about the same as my earlier animations. When i say earlier i mean my first.
16.01.04 21:49
Post #55
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lol...i guess you have a fast pc always went slow for me....
17.01.04 01:35
Post #56
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Maybe Athlons are good at image editing and no one knew it.

It's a 1.3Ghz Athlon (k6, i think) with 512MB SDRAM, nothing special.

Got a new one today, 2.4Ghz P4 256MB DDR RAM, but don't have a case and power supply for it yet (suppose to be here the 21st).
17.01.04 02:25
Post #57
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HAHA! nothing special....mine is hmm....well i don't even know the "hertz" lol 128 MB ram though....(i need more ram i guess...)
17.01.04 04:52
Post #58
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sorry, but if you want people to take you seriously (not me, others), you ought to know more about your computer. I should know more about mine, but ah well. You should at least know what your processor's running and what it is (celeron, athlon, pentium, dorito). IMO, anyway.

Should be able to go Start, Control Panel, System...or something.
17.01.04 05:05
Post #59
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i looked....i have 196 ram (apparently)
but it didn't say the processor speed
i have a laptop though that has 900 mh processor and 256 MB ram
17.01.04 05:18
Post #60
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