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On the subject of Archamond, a user called "Archamond." has just registered. Could a mod or admin investigate?
20.12.03 13:57
Post #16
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[]The Pope
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Learn to look, look to learn.
20.12.03 14:18
Post #17
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really what is the point of that
20.12.03 17:01
Post #18
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it actually made me laugh
20.12.03 18:00
Post #19
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what a surprise.
20.12.03 19:45
Post #20
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i even laughed..
21.12.03 18:09
Post #21
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at what? how everybody insults me? (aspecily pope) and no spaz your just a idiot
22.12.03 15:05
Post #22
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everybody is insulting u ( especially pope and me ) becaue u blatently ripped off my art and have been pissing pope off for while IMO
22.12.03 15:48
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no c1 laughed at me. read the posts
22.12.03 15:58
Post #24
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how have i ripped u of? and how have i been pissing pope off? by making a thread?
22.12.03 16:26
Post #25
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An image! [Edited Out] Isn't life so wonderful!? No not really..
22.12.03 20:13
Post #26
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

sorry fuzz, but your not so gr8 as you think. if you practice and become good maybe people will ask but dont just go an ask people if they want sigs. and SPAZ isn't an idiot, your the idiot

An image!
23.12.03 17:07
Post #27
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like my james stannage avatar?
25.12.03 21:03
Post #28
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ok so what i thought i was good (obviously wrong) and i never thought i was great but then pope wishmaster and everybody started comenting on that it was fine at first becouse my sigs arnt good but then everybody got on2 it and can ppl just let the people who want/wanted 2 use this thread as it was ment 2?
27.12.03 14:21
Post #29
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