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i can't get them on the site but the file size is tooo big so can some one help me with them plz.and even if i make them smaller they still are tooo big.

29.11.03 19:28
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what format are you saving them in, what dimesions are they, how many colours have you used?

answer these Qs and we may be able to help

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
29.11.03 19:29
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right i just uploaded them into the misc. files bit but i had to put them into sepperat files. so i gessus the thread is finnished. wow that was short.

issue 4 is coming soon.

29.11.03 19:48
Post #3
Last edited: 29.11.03 19:48 (psymon - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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how did i miss the first 3?
29.11.03 22:32
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[]The Pope
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unclear, couldnt read it, not many sections, "xiao inc", this is the stick animation company i think... and sorry but querm isnt originial.

Learn to look, look to learn.
30.11.03 09:44
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xiao xiao rox i think and im happy btp is back up :D
30.11.03 11:56
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your right. they are really crap. i'm gonna comit suiside (not really. just cry in the corner)

right i just got rid of them because there the worst thing to ever set foot on the site.

next time i make a comic. i'm gonna use a pencil cause my scanner see the other side as well

30.11.03 13:00
Post #7
Last edited: 30.11.03 13:06 (psymon - 2 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hmm ya they do suck..o well try [to find :P]sumthing ur good at :P
30.11.03 22:18
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Last edited: 01.12.03 17:24 (Meiapaul - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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well what am i good at then? all i'm good at is playing games at a better than the average person. not much else really. nothing that can be put up onto this website.

03.12.03 17:23
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[]The Pope
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try writing fanfiction or guides and walkthroughs....

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.12.03 17:57
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yeah, i might just do that. yet i've have to own/played it though so ask my for help with any game and i'll try and answer them.

03.12.03 18:09
Post #11
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