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Quoted :: CNET News dot com
Microsoft plans to add pop-up blocking features to Internet Explorer next year as part of its Service Pack 2 update for Windows XP, a move that would go far toward stamping out the Web advertisements.

since a lot of people here like to show loyalty to their choice HTTP Browser, i thought some might be interested that MS is at least thinking about doing something about one of the biggest problems with its browser.

Complete story here.
11.11.03 02:07
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hmm i might actually start using it
they'd have to do more then that though

11.11.03 02:20
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i use IE because people who make sites know that the majority of internet users use IE, and so when you go to a site, if you're not using IE, the site isn't going to look like the author intended it to look like.
11.11.03 02:25
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true ive had site where nothin comes up at all and i cant download nething off btp cause a page comes up with a bunch of code. but really, i agree with oyur sig.

11.11.03 02:26
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haha... everyone agrees with my sig. everyone. well at least in some way. look at the source.
11.11.03 02:39
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I noticed that. I'm using Mozilla and agree with your sig. I really haven't seen many sites that look different in my browser, the fact that some types of DHTML mouse trail don't work is a good thing IMO.

On topic, there are a few things I don't understand. For one, MSN uses lots of popup ads. Also, I wonder if there are any figures on how many people in general download service packs, and whether, shortly after SP2's release, advertisers will find holes in Microsoft's code and build ad scripts which defeat it. To add another subject to the conversation, I wonder how this will work with the latest forced modifications to IE...

The thing that []OPTiSSiMUS mentioned, could that be fixed. Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't you just change the redirect to PHP redirect() ones rather than the html/javascript used now?
11.11.03 17:28
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hmm yeh probly could, but isn't it header("location: bla"); ?

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11.11.03 19:16
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yes, ive even added that to functions.php

i think its httpredir($url)

must be called before output, obviously
11.11.03 20:05
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Quoted :: tundraH
...shortly after SP2's release, advertisers will find holes in Microsoft's code and build ad scripts which defeat it....

something that says 'pop-up=no' wouldn't take a whole lot of programming, so i doubt they'd find a way to pass right through it, at least not right away.
they could always use flash (or some other plugin) like they are right now and have it create their pop-ups.
11.11.03 22:01
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i agree with ur sig to r e. And i have a popup quite dont need the download tho i probably will get it just to support ie
11.11.03 22:50
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i use zone alarm pro's ad blocker
12.11.03 17:01
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I've been reading the changes page, and saw CBWhiz mention redirect(), that's why I said it. (just set the $nooutput variable apparently).

Quoted :: routine_error

Quoted :: tundraH
...shortly after SP2's release, advertisers will find holes in Microsoft's code and build ad scripts which defeat it....

something that says 'pop-up=no' wouldn't take a whole lot of programming, so i doubt they'd find a way to pass right through it, at least not right away.
they could always use flash (or some other plugin) like they are right now and have it create their pop-ups.

If that's what the blockings going to be like, it really will suck. Good popup blockers at least make some attempt to distinguish between requested and unrequested popups.
12.11.03 17:08
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Oh yea, i kinda forgot about that. well i'd just have it only popup if it was an 'onclick' event of some type, if i was the one coding it.
12.11.03 21:29
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What about onMouseUp? onMouseDown? Over, Out, DblClick? href="javascript:, activating a function in an iframe?
I know, I'm going too far now. Mozilla blocks popups fairly well, and I'm sure Microsoft won't be completely stupid. Still, if there is a bug in it, It'll be found with speed.
12.11.03 22:19
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the 'bunch of code' it comes up with is actually your .BIT file, it's just that mozilla's defaul action with a file is to display it, whereas IE wants you to d/l it, the same happens with .js and .css files.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
12.11.03 22:58
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