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Poll: Which Would Win In A Fight?
Fireworks 3 users
Photoshop 3 users
Paint Shop Pro 1 users
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[]The Pope
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For all of you not in the know of bootleg dealers, I am here!

If you need a good animation program but don't have the money or the knowledge of the right people then just email, PM me with ur MSN account and ill send Fireworks MX (The chosen program for all the animation made by me) through MSN.

........Macromedia Fireworks MX for free!........

Call now and recieve a free bottle of pie scented cleaner!

...................It's only 25MB big!...............

Learn to look, look to learn.
09.11.03 16:25
Post #1
Last edited: 09.11.03 16:29 (The Pope - 8 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I already have bootleg photoshop and i think psp is a bit shitty so could u send me fireworks plz. You know my msn.
09.11.03 17:45
Post #2
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i got 'bootleg' everything. seriously. well, nearly. but i dont have any interest in even trying fireworks or Paint Shop Pro, although I probably should, even just to know what they're like.
10.11.03 01:24
Post #3
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o man i dont have msn but want a good or any better prodram 4 drawing and animation
10.11.03 15:06
Post #4
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pope said that it was too big for a e-mail so can't he send it in two parts?

10.11.03 16:21
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[]The Pope
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nope bcos there is only one main part, the setup.exe file which is the whole 25MB

Learn to look, look to learn.
10.11.03 17:20
Post #6
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But r u guyz aware that * WinRAR * ((can be downloaded free)) can pack a file/files into parts of a desired size no matter how many files there are.
If u use the SFX method the person that wants 2 unpack it doesn't even have to have WinRAR.
10.11.03 23:47
Post #7
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