
BTForum » Wormy Discussion » Worms 3D Discussion » New Gametype!

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Read about it here:
It might seem boring, but try it anyway. Only for Worms 3D.
09.11.03 12:55
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You're right it seems boring and i cant be arsed trying it. I'd rather do a campaign.
09.11.03 18:28
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Heh. Actually it IS rather boring, but it's fun to play.
10.11.03 18:04
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um... ive never played a fun, boring game personally.

11.11.03 02:24
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Hihi, fun but boring, sounds strange...
I don't think it should be unlimited jetpacks and firepunchs, just unlimited prods and ninjaropes. I don't think it will be so fun if you just fly around and kill a worm every turn. But then, there are maybe walls etc to stand next to, so the enemy can't punch you away. Hmm, it seems quite fun if you play it on a map with little water.

An image!
13.11.03 21:02
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