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what pixel?! LOL
08.11.03 19:39
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Nah, I don't think many people will be hiding it. In fact, recently two people have unhidden it.
08.11.03 19:50
Post #17
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i had a pixel as my sig 4 a while

08.11.03 20:27
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no i just cam up with it myself.
08.11.03 20:48
Post #19
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thats what they all say ;)

08.11.03 20:51
Post #20
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how many people have said that then? ALL OF THEM? ALL OF WHO? btw i hate your avatar.
08.11.03 23:15
Post #21
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i got a new sig too, wEEEEEEE
08.11.03 23:20
Post #22
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why do u hate my avatar?! i think its awsome.

08.11.03 23:35
Post #23
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The blinking one.. The eye is enough but when it shuts for a split second you see an old grey dead eyeQ!"$T SCRAEYRRI HELP
08.11.03 23:57
Post #24
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dead eye? thats just my eye closed lol.

09.11.03 02:53
Post #25
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its too slow too actually see, and the colours are differnt so it looks fairly lame
09.11.03 10:37
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lol, yeh it definately looks dead ,but that's just quality of the picture and loss of colour.

It does look like something out of a horror movie, a bit.

You know I'm a dancing machine
09.11.03 10:57
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[]OPTiSSiMUS show us the closed eye and lets all look at it in horror.
09.11.03 11:28
Post #28
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ok... guess thats cool too.

09.11.03 14:05
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Learn to look, look to learn.
09.11.03 14:14
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