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just wondering if there is somewhere i can download the original game or with reinforcements. really wanna play it nright now but a while back i snapped my disc in two when it wouldnt install.
if you know where i can get it can you also say how big it is?
05.11.03 21:10
Post #1
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yes: worms and worms united

and lmao @ snapping disk

LOL almost put a c instead of s :lol:

edit: the site is ghey with frames and crap, so both the links go to the same place, but select them from the dropdown menu at the top
05.11.03 21:18
Post #2
Last edited: 05.11.03 21:22 (Meiapaul - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i dont really wanna pay for it.......

surely i can get the full game somewhere to download

edit: got a demo going! heh such fun, no rope tho :( need full game....

05.11.03 21:22
Post #3
Last edited: 05.11.03 21:37 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i know you can't get worms on this page.. but it's a good page if you need to download a full version of a game..

hehe you'l see for yourself :)
06.11.03 09:33
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lol i snapped my W:A disk. so we were not playing worms 4 ages.

06.11.03 16:12
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