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Sugar Muffin
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Hey zogger I was wondering if you can upload something for me. A couple people told me that if I uploaded my programs to BTP, lots of people would download them, and from what I've seen that's true. I have two programs I wanted to put up but they are over the size limit so could you put them up for me? Thanks.

I'm not sure if these links work right. I think you will have to right click on them and Save Target as...

SchemeEddy is a scheme editor that works for w:a and wwp and is probably the best scheme editor available.

wwp_gFx is a frontend program for wwp that converts its frontend to look like the w:a frontend.

[:: Etho ::]
02.11.03 19:42
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yep I will do.

I think you might have e-mailed me with these, but there's a ton of things in my email I need to do and never get round to :)

btw: you really need to be able to specify your wwp directory for that frontend, not everyone uses the default dir. INcluding me.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.11.03 19:47
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Last edited: 02.11.03 19:50 (ZoGgEr! - 1 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
Sugar Muffin
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thanks for speedy reply,

uh the frontend uses worms the registry, so if you installed somewheres besides the default directory it should still work, unless you copy/pasted your wwp folder to somewheres else (then the registry doesn't know where your game is). It doesn't work for you?

[:: Etho ::]
02.11.03 20:07
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hmm tis' odd. It tries to copy stuff from C:\Team17\... whereas my wwp dir is C:\Program Files\Team17, I can't say I remember moving it... I'll check the registry.

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.11.03 20:16
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Butt Cheek
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n programs both tell me though what makes your scheme editor better than scheme works by annelid?

02.11.03 20:25
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Sugar Muffin
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My computer jammed up and double posted...

Mine just has a different feel to it, different interface and stuff. I'm not saying its better than his, we all have our preferences. From the feedback I've gotten so far from it, everyone seems to really like it and a couple people have commented that it was better than his, although his is very good as well. I haven't really gotten any negative feedback about it yet.

[:: Etho ::]
02.11.03 20:39
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Butt Cheek
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u never will its a sweet program. funny that i post between your double post.

02.11.03 20:42
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