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i'm stuck on the ultra-compact design and i can't get off of it plus there are no menu bers at the side

31.10.03 19:46
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[]The Pope
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refresh or re-open ur browser

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.10.03 19:47
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thank you it worked

31.10.03 19:49
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[]The Pope
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lol, no problem. If something doesnt work, close and re-open it. thats solves the problem 1/2 the time

Learn to look, look to learn.
31.10.03 19:50
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hummmmmmmmm logical thinking

31.10.03 19:53
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Butt Cheek
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who is this gay burulf guy posting random things in random places? what an idiot.
and yes, my motto: when in doubt use ctrl-alt-delete!

01.11.03 00:38
Post #6
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

This crap with ultra_compact heppend to me,too
01.11.03 08:56
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which version, the one with collapsing menus, or the normal one?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.11.03 14:55
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the one with menu bar at the side that does not open

01.11.03 15:06
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it does open, ur just using a crap browser, and if you'd bothered to read the info about it, you just need to open that page that you used to enable it again, and it'll get turned off

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.11.03 15:59
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um, where did all of that guy's posts go? now i just look stupid.

01.11.03 23:04
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yeh I removed them :roll:

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.11.03 12:54
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