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I love it! It's fun, that's a part of the Worms humour.
02.11.03 09:22
Post #16
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Quoted :: OPTiSSiMUS

wanna know what bugs me? its how the mouse goes in a circle on the menus and stuff i want to kill it. i dont know why but i hate it.

if you mean how the cursor follows where your actual cursor is instead of being a mask, then yea, I agree. at first I liked it, but now it's just another annoying little bitch.
02.11.03 17:30
Post #17
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I like the fishy mouse.
02.11.03 18:49
Post #18
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The mouse is cool. We can play shoppas again since the roping goes into a side view like 2d-ish and you can only move in 2d-ish ways
02.11.03 20:15
Post #19
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meh, i wanted 3d roping, flinging round corners and the like.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
02.11.03 22:36
Post #20
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yes i think ive said this b4: imagine a 3d rr lol

02.11.03 23:25
Post #21
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lol crazy. on another topic..ya u cant compare 2d to 3d.
03.11.03 23:09
Post #22
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