
BTForum » BlameTheOffTopic Forums » BlameTheArt » i've been drawing some comics

Poll: will i be able to get them on the website?
yes 2 users
no 6 users
depends on the comics 0 users
as long as i keep drawing them 0 users
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i thought it looked kind of the a mod version. anyway wishmaster who are you playing as.atm i'm playing as (have a geuss) kind of voibious. i'm playing as
Dun dun dun


bet u saw that you coming

i'm no longer playing as psymon on ssx3 anymore as i no longer have ssx3. i took it back as i had compleated it i a cuple of day and where i played whit my dad it was no where near as good as ssx Tricky, (walks away humming, Its T to rocka rhyme, to rocka rhyme thats right on time, Its trickyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy,it's tricky,tricky,tricky,tricky,(reapeat to fade))

03.11.03 16:35
Post #61
Last edited: 03.11.03 20:40 (psymon - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i have ssx3 and it's a vvg game the costumes are a bit lame tho but on peak2 with moby you can get a wearwolf costum what is cool
10.11.03 15:19
Post #62
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yeah it was ok but it was over too quick and not a much fun as Tricky

10.11.03 16:18
Post #63
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hmmmmm i played as moby but yeah after a mate rented it i decided not to buy. got worms 3D now.

tricky rulz. Still Mr Moby Jones!
12.11.03 12:56
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