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well i was playing with shaoe tweens, and an idea hit me:

tada, more even cooler ones coming soon

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.10.03 16:26
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cool! os there a morph button or do u hav to do it urselF?
25.10.03 17:21
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oh yea, he went pixel by pixel... and after 2 years, he made that by hand.

jk... i imagine its just a function, especially since it's still in flash. i just think it would look at little better if it was a gif. dunno of an easy way to capture every frame, though...
25.10.03 17:23
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i can just export to gif, but at around 50 frames there's no way it'll be as small, here's my latest effort - it's all done using shape tweening.

Who says bears cant fly?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
25.10.03 17:48
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why dont ya do a worm morphing into a sheep or cow or something?
26.10.03 09:18
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i may well do.

early Beta Version:

it's not as easy as you'd think, the transition effects are a bit off on this version too. Proper one by this evening i reckon.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
26.10.03 12:13
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how does it work?
26.10.03 23:38
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My motto: If all else fails, add another shape hint. And another. And another...
27.10.03 00:20
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very nice readme
27.10.03 08:52
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hehe, too many shapoe hints just break it, i've been splitting up the shapes into about 6 or 7 different layers, that bear->birds one has a diff layer for each bird and the worm->cow is on 3 atm but will be lots more when it's done.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.10.03 21:39
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very very nice flash
28.10.03 16:36
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da werm and cow one is the best i love the bear + bird 1 aswell :D
02.11.03 18:53
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