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Well then? What do you all use to animate your sigs
18.10.03 16:52
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animation shop pro, comes bundled with paintshop pro 7 and ingrates nicely, might be a newer version out there actually.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
18.10.03 16:55
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[]The Pope
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fireworks mx and coffee cup gif animator!

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18.10.03 17:03
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psp5 and animation shop
18.10.03 17:04
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[]The Pope
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i think this is written in russian on the front of the CD with fireworks on: 'For people that are too lazy to learn to use PSP, Macromedia Fireworks MX!'

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18.10.03 17:07
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err right... (ive posted this on my other thread to but.. anyway) i made a gif from flash mx. its anamated. when i play it in coffecup gif animator it goes fast and normal. but on IE, and the XP Image previewer it goes slow.. wtf? :\
18.10.03 17:08
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[]The Pope
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it shouldnt do that, it works fine for me on XP preview.

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18.10.03 17:10
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Abode ImageReady, just a part of PhotoShop basically.
18.10.03 19:13
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

i can't get a preview because i use 98 2nd edition, but me might be changin to xp soon me hopes:)

An image!
19.10.03 16:46
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[]The Pope
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i thought it might've been a new bug in windows, so i made this animation, but it seems fine(look how slyly i made the need to know speed fit in with advertising my sigs)

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19.10.03 18:30
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

lmao ver good pope how long did it take to make?:?

An image!
19.10.03 19:42
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10 mmins in total

Learn to look, look to learn.
19.10.03 20:07
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