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Poll: What do you think about it?
No "Word Added" page 4 users
Let it be like it is now 3 users
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I think that when you've added a word in the word association, you shouldn't be redirected to a page that says that your word has been added, you should just continue being at the same page.

What do you think?
16.10.03 13:48
Post #1
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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this has alrdy been mentioned

Learn to look, look to learn.
16.10.03 14:03
Post #2
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has it? don't remember that...

anyway, I would do, but it's a little tricky on certain pages when post or get variables are involved...

You know I'm a dancing machine
16.10.03 15:10
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Ok. I look forward to the day it's changed ;)
16.10.03 15:48
Post #4
[Softbrain Games] [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i mentioned it btw :( nice 2 see my thoughts are fondly rememberd lol its no biggie but it WOULD be uselful
16.10.03 17:02
Post #5
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An image! OFF TOPIC!

dingbats what is ur personal name, like Bob McBob or whatever?
16.10.03 19:20
Post #6
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heh, srry meia but i'm gonna have to ruin ur nice number, Clampdown on posts that say "oi dont spam" etc... 101% tax....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
16.10.03 21:35
Post #7
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ya he did say this. And it should be an option in ur profile to change and it should be shown to anyone that looks in ur profile. But ya know...zogger...this is a pointless thing seeing as there's a thing called a BACK BUTTON! So perhaps work on the things us old folks want more...a place to buy our pets and foot cream..
16.10.03 22:22
Post #8
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Quoted :: ReadMe

heh, srry meia but i'm gonna have to ruin ur nice number, Clampdown on posts that say "oi dont spam" etc... 101% tax....

but surely my 100% bought me about 90 spamtastic posts before my tax went up any more?
17.10.03 12:58
Post #9
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hmm, yeah ok i'll give u that. Back to 100% it goes.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
17.10.03 19:30
Post #10
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wow that made sense meia, and i didnt think it did ,

heh how about for 500 pounds you can buy the right to spam 1nce?
20.10.03 08:10
Post #11
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nonono, thats just mindless crap, lock the thread
20.10.03 12:26
Post #12
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shut yer face, tis a SUGGESTION!

yknow in the suggestion forum ;)

i think im now not to bothered about getting directed to that page anyway so meh
20.10.03 13:26
Post #13
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well, u could just spam once, because the tax will take about 100 years before it costs u t£500, which is how much u would have payed to not get tax, so it was a very stupid idea
20.10.03 13:45
Post #14
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but it would be fun: spam without guilt. I wouldnt pay it but i can see how one of the monopolyers (shut up i can call them whatever i want) :lol: would be willing...

21.10.03 01:43
Post #15
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