Yes indeed that level gave me some trouble as well...but wat i do is for the first turn u HAVE to hit the bottom mine and it cant kill any of ur worms, then for ur second shot shot a mine above the first leg of the tower. Next turn is safe cause he wont attack until he says, "Enemy forces mobilizing", the next shot u shot above where the first mine was then jump up the arrows that u shot on the level until ur almost at the top of the second piece of the tower(near where the next mine is). This is where u do sort of a Kamakazee! First place a girder diagonally but it must be as close to the tower as possible without blocking ur way through. Now after u attack u have about 5 secs to move use this time to jump and make the mine explode (killing ur worm but make it safe for the next one...Now i believe he might be mobilizing by now(havent played the level for awhile) so jump up very quickly up the tower til ur at the girder then ur on the girder and shot an arrow so u can reach the cr8 and still be able to escape and get up onto the arrow. Now after that ur turn should be dont so try and hide a little cause hes goin to air strike u or even worse napalm. Now if ur worms still alive after that climb up the tower to the cr8. Now have a safe opening for the "Aqua Sheep". Now wait til hes free enough to fly. Make him fly around the landscape and into the water. (dont go to low into water cause the map ends there and the sheep dies.) So now if u followed my crappy instructions u should of hit the dude under the level. (maby tommorow ill draw u a diagram but right now i have other business to attend to...HOPE I HELPED!
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