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Heres the idea: To enter you make the most ungodly huge or annoying sig / presig. This will cause people to hide them.

In about 2 weeks I will query the DB to see whose sig has been hidden the most, and that person will get $500. Sound Good?

10.10.03 21:02
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no, it doesn't... i can only imagine how annoying mo' fuckas could make their god damn sig(s).
10.10.03 21:04
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[]The Pope
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im, for once, not gonna take part in this bcos it will piss so many ppl off and then they will never unhide ur sig...

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10.10.03 21:13
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Butt Cheek
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Well um I am proud that my hidden sig count is going steadily down and will stay with my pixel ty very much. otherwise I would do it.

10.10.03 21:33
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heh, i started this to see who has no inhibitions :) good work non participators!
10.10.03 21:37
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Butt Cheek
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i was tempted. if i did do it i would make my sig random pictures that are unbearably huge like these: (u started this thread no1 can blame me)

An image!

An image!

An image!

10.10.03 21:43
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those are pretty fuckin huge
10.10.03 21:45
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(isn't my sig already annoyingly big ;) eh r_e?)

10.10.03 21:46
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r u seriously asking us to hide your sig?
[]OPTiSSiMUSchanges the hide sig count from 6 to 7

10.10.03 21:56
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i dunno if he's asking to have it hidden or not.. but...

yea, it's too frickin big.
10.10.03 22:04
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v nice huge pics, good quality camera u have there.
10.10.03 22:32
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lol i'de like to just take the compliment but they arent mine.

11.10.03 00:36
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[]The Pope
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CB, u sure it was a test?

Also, Nice presig CB, I play it when eva it feels quiet.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.10.03 06:49
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hell, i play it even when i'm listening to my own music. lol

right now Tenacious D's 'Sasquatch' is playing, along with that Futurama tune (via some admin's presig).
11.10.03 18:28
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Not online within the last half an hour to need a boucing toon tho :P
11.10.03 18:31
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