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Not really a problem, but a mental one instead. Has it ever occured to n e 1 how a worm can hold a bazooka? and how old grannies blow up 4 no reason. Flying sheep, amazing. Is it me or have I never seen an of this happen in real-life? Any views on this...? :?
02.10.03 22:02
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worms hold bazooka with there hand, grannies are blowing up cause a bomb got shuved up there ass(? i dunno just a guess), and flying sheep because the sheep wanted to.
02.10.03 22:57
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it's a game. Anything's possible. Have you not realised that erm... every fps is impossible. Well, alot of them. The one's that aren't based on current military stuff.

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03.10.03 15:44
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cs isnt obscenely crazy. U can only carry a few things.

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03.10.03 16:13
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y do u have no feet in fps.......

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03.10.03 18:33
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lol, true. although in veitcong when ur strapped into teh copter at the start u can see ur own feet.

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.10.03 18:37
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lol i know who doesnt care about the fps thing.

in timesplitters 2 u can play as a snowman who hovers about on a magic carpet:lol: its cool,

and in KILLZONE! u will only be able to carry few weapons, worms on the other hand store all there weapons in a black box
03.10.03 18:55
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Quoted :: ReadMe

y do u have no feet in fps.......

you can't even see your weapon in Ghost Recon, just a crosshair floating in front of you...

You know I'm a dancing machine
04.10.03 09:54
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Doom WAS the best FPS in the world, though you couldnt see ya feet, but then again, who cares? and it wasnt 3-d (who cares?) the game was so enjoyable. Nothing better than walking up to a fiend or imp and letting them bullets fyl out of your double-barrel shotgun and watch there carcass unfold... lovely...
04.10.03 12:26
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surely doom was technically a 3d game, in that, you moved through and environment in 3 dimensions, 2d would be a side scrolling shooter like Abuse (that's a 2.9mb download link). That was a pretty fun game. I got stuck an incredibly difficult bit with some out-of-hole climbing tho.

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04.10.03 12:37
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abuse is amazing.
i cant belive we all play these old free fun games.

i've made my own levels and stuff for the multi, that is pretty fun. Especially the w32 port with netplay ;)
04.10.03 22:27
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Doom was 3d, but not the same as e.g. W3D. Doom is spritebased, all new 3d games are polygonbased.
05.10.03 11:28
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All old game suck.. exept hentai ones.. and some other games
17.10.03 15:39
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So what you're saying is "all old games suck except the ones that don't" - right, good philosiphy.

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17.10.03 15:44
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19.10.03 10:02
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