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Wooden Hat
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I think that everybody should draw their own houses and then someone from the staff check it out and put up a prize for it that have to be paid if you want the to use the house by selling it or just place it on a street or something like that. The houses should also be sale with a prize that the builder decides.

An image!
01.10.03 13:08
Post #1
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[]The Pope
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if u could choose the price urself it would make the market unstable. Admins would choose an appropiate price.

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.10.03 15:32
Post #2
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did my house ever go out 4 sale,

the house on a pole?
01.10.03 17:07
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[]The Pope
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no, it has neva been put up.

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.10.03 17:13
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thats a shame, i was assured it would be made available.
01.10.03 18:08
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[]The Pope
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yeah, very good creation...

Learn to look, look to learn.
01.10.03 18:31
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Wooden Hat
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Quoted :: The Pope

if u could choose the price urself it would make the market unstable. Admins would choose an appropiate price.
Yeah, that would be better.

An image!
01.10.03 19:14
Post #7
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oh shit, forgot about that, i was gonna edit it and add soem transparency, crop it down to size a bit and add it. Now i can'
t find it :(

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
01.10.03 19:23
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03.10.03 20:09
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Wooden Hat
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Look who's back!
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Nice house...

An image!
04.10.03 13:29
Post #10
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thats not what i'd say about it. And u know me i tell things for their face value. And if i judged that image it would be a -2 out of 5.
04.10.03 16:44
Post #11
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/me apologises to C1 and hangs his head in shame because the image is not better than his obvious freehand house building abilites.

Well seeing as your advice was on face value it really should have had at least what you dont like about it.

"C1 all your avatars a crap"
"cos i dont like them"
"thats not very nice"
"its just me telling it like it is"
"i feel hurt, you didnt even say why"

all similarities between this fictional conversation between to characters are entirely coincidential
05.10.03 10:27
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C1 has no avatar....

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.10.03 11:31
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ya..check my avatar out! It's HOT! lol.
05.10.03 21:29
Post #14
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oh btw, i added that house, shrank it a bit tho.

PS, dont save images with few colours as JPGs a GIF with a well optimised pallete is better.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
05.10.03 21:51
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