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An image!
An image!
An image!
An image!

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.11.03 17:36
Post #16
Last edited: 03.11.03 17:38 (ZoGgEr! - 3 times) [Hide Sig (8)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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To Optissimus: No, its jsut i woulda got taxed for having 57 worms doing it. So I kept editing the amount of worms

To ZoGgEr!: I was gonna try and do that but then i thought sod it, im a html n%b anyway.

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.11.03 19:48
Post #17
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An image!
An image!
An image!
An image!
03.11.03 21:43
Post #18
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Butt Cheek
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expirement: can i make it so the worm does not stop and go back a couple mm?
An image!
conclusion: kinda...

03.11.03 22:34
Post #19
Last edited: 03.11.03 22:37 (OPTiSSiMUS - 1 times) [Dont go here] [Hide Sig (3)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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not quite seamless...

And ur all copy cats! get orf my idea!

And my uploaded image!

Learn to look, look to learn.
04.11.03 19:10
Post #20
Last edited: 04.11.03 19:10 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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lets see u make a seemless 1 then

04.11.03 22:06
Post #21
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[]The Pope
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i dont want to!
(man this conversation is just like one I had with a 10 yr old @ school about tree rings.)

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05.11.03 16:09
Post #22
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who, me? i dont think that i am being that childish...

05.11.03 16:17
Post #23
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[]The Pope
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lol, just messing around. although i hate thick, smaller kids. They jsut bug me so much. And what scares me is that afterwards, i went off to my Maths lesson and he appeared half way through the lesson, at the door, pointing at me threateningly. I never saw him again..................

Learn to look, look to learn.
05.11.03 20:13
Post #24
Last edited: 06.11.03 15:47 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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you come up with the most random things about your school at the most random places.

06.11.03 01:56
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[]The Pope
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well school is 100% random.

There is this retard kid who is always picked on. And even the teachers hate him. He came into R.E. being supervised by a teacher, late, and then swore at some guy who always takes the piss outta him. He sat down, then the teacher sent him out for swearing. He then swore again at the kid who pisses him off. Then 2 minutes later we see him being taken by our head of year to her office. He is such a retard...

Learn to look, look to learn.
06.11.03 15:49
Post #26
Last edited: 06.11.03 15:50 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
Butt Cheek
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retard literally or just as a dis?

06.11.03 22:11
Post #27
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a dis but its about 75% percent correct...

Learn to look, look to learn.
07.11.03 17:01
Post #28
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An image!
i just thought of a way to make a perfect 1

13.11.03 02:39
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