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then the mage just finished there attack and that drained everything dumazz possibly had and he was in the hopital for weeks while the rest of the gang looked for C1s knocked out body from the blast...
23.05.03 09:38
Post #76
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but Dumazz that was in the hospital had Areis had used cure 3 on Dumazz and he was fine and had gotten all of his powers back jumped out of the window of the hospital then finding C1`s body outside the hospital "Oh my god wtf happened?"he saw electric bolts surging through him. Dumazz brought him into the hospital and Areis had used Cure 3 on him and was healed and then we looked for the rest of the gang.
23.05.03 09:43
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and they were having coffee in the waiting room...3 years later the gang was back telling stories back on btp again...til...
23.05.03 09:45
Post #78
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dumazz and C1 had found them! dumazz was 12 years old and C1 was 18 so...
23.05.03 09:47
Post #79
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since years had past...but then on a camping trip C1 used to much fire magic and there was a forest fire...luckily he used ice magic and it was fine again...then they noticed something in the skill that seemed to have enormous power...
23.05.03 09:49
Post #80
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C1 could have just burned down all the pixels and the planet and this story wouldnt have to exist farther than this but Dumazz says that would be retarded because its called the neverending story for never stop.
23.05.03 09:57
Post #81
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ya well ya...anyways the great power was The Evil Pixel and since C1 thought he could defeat him he shot a magical beam at him which drain the evil pixels powers again, shot him into space and made something pop out of him...something more powerfull then it it it was The Evil Poxel with his full power x 3!
23.05.03 10:00
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But then Homer Simpson Squared! (3D) came and steped on it!

24.05.03 06:03
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and seconds later homer was dead and the Evil Poxel was 5x as power ful. So C1 use 1/4 of his energy and blasted it as him. The Evil Poxel shot it back to C1 use 3/4 of his power then the Evil Poxel used 3x of his power and shot it back. It went on like this until at last the Evil Poxel over powered C1 and since C1 needed time so attack again he teleport in hope of at least saving himself. And the entire Solar System was completely eradicated from the blast. Then C1 sobbed for days thinking of he should do now...
24.05.03 06:11
Post #84
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but when he teleported he made a copy of himself and the whole solar system copied with him and he found himself copied and then he fused with his copied self and made OMEGA C1! where the evil poxels power was absolet and
the evil poxels power was x999999999999999999 then...
24.05.03 08:12
Post #85
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he teleported(poxel) and gave half of his energy to the Evil Pixel and created 2 galaxies, one poxel and another one pixels. Then they used the rest of there energy as a sheald. And when they were done they were at normal power: 1x.
24.05.03 08:26
Post #86
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then C1 used his Ultima spell and blew the poxel and pixel galaxy into dust and they were gone foreva so....
24.05.03 20:25
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C1 started building an MSN community

24.05.03 20:43
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(wow nice idea dumazz) (the evil poxel and pixel lived tho)
An so while building his community he noticed the chat on his site sucked more shit then he thought and asked if someone could get him a nicer one and same with a better shopper scheme. Anyone that does this i will give a boost in there member rank...
24.05.03 22:29
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but Dumazz did it be4 theabdboy, then he got mad and tried to kick his ass (not touch)

24.05.03 23:12
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