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ShoutMeUpXmas Greetings from waka waka waka waka ChristmasRiddle MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Spleet Except for Spleet. TheAbdBoy Always bummin' a brother out. Spleet Happy New Year everyone! But Spleet. TheAbdBoy Word AssociationAll-10 Ago- MiddleEastern AlphaWolf camel Bloopy toe TheAbdBoy moose knuckle Bloopy MeatLoaf Spleet IdDoAnything4Lo ve AlphaWolf rub n tug TheAbdBoy tugboat The Pope rope Bloopy race TheAbdBoy -Latest- Must be logged in to add new words FictoLeagueYou have to be logged in to vote...Member Stats
Date: 24.11.24. |
Your Comments:
ReadMe Said:
do you have a digital video camera?
[16.04.05 11:11 AM]
Bloopy Said:
My digital camera can take videos... but I don't like where this is headed. If you want me to do something in video format you'll have some convincing to do, but I won't rule it out.
[16.04.05 01:57 PM]
Khuzad Said:
£800, isn't that fairly convincing?
[16.04.05 02:31 PM]
Bloopy Said:
Naah that's just the first bid.
[16.04.05 03:25 PM]
C1 Said:
Can I ask you to take a picture of you peeing on someone?..or walking crawling across the street?
[16.04.05 05:27 PM]
C1 Said:
I don't id'd win..and I can't really think of something good for you to do that's possible.
The first idea is kinda stupid.
[16.04.05 05:28 PM]
joetheeskimo5 Said:
You're taking a risk I wouldn't dare take, Bloopy
[17.04.05 12:10 AM]
Bloopy Said:
I can tell you I wouldn't pee on someone
[17.04.05 01:49 AM]
kikumbob Said:
already out of my league.
[17.04.05 08:55 PM]
C1 Said:
Awww! You wouldn't pee on someone
What about crawl across the street?
[17.04.05 11:53 PM]
Bloopy Said:
The thing is, that would be hard for me to take a photo of. Not impossible though... it could turn out kinda lame depending on where I did it. Yeah it would be better if someone else took the photo but that's not what I said in the description above.
[18.04.05 03:26 AM]
The Pope Said:
If I were to win, I'd make Bloopy eat 20 cream crackers without any drink.
[19.04.05 05:20 PM]
C1 Said:
I would wish for you to take a picture of you crawling across the street if I win.
[21.04.05 08:11 PM]
C1 Said:
Who shoots it up to $3500? You wouldn't ever do that on ebay.
[24.04.05 04:29 PM]
Khuzad Said:
Uhm, how did Meiapaul bid £3?
[25.04.05 05:38 PM]
Khuzad Said:
[25.04.05 06:08 PM]
The Pope Said:
Who ever wins can then go on to sell the photo and make up some of his/her's expenses...
[26.04.05 05:33 PM]