
Another Dimension

Yep, fiddling with the demo can add a whole new dimension to the play and allow you to see and use the weapons that weren't even intended to be in there. You just need to know a little bit about what you're doing first. This is just a quick tutorial to show you how to do it that didn't take an awfully long time to write. My explanation is probably pretty bad. If you can explain it better, or you don't understand, use the page comments :).

I believe you need a Hex Editor, such as XVI32 if you want to change what weapons are available to you. Once you've downlaoded that, open it up and find the right file with the lub extension. I'm not entirely sure which one's the correct one to change, because of all the different versions available. If you have the squiffel / lyndon version, which is the one I'd recommend, then the file you need to change is PCDemo.lub in the Data/maps folder. It's normally not that one tho I think. Anyway, I'll leave it up to you to find out which one you need to edit. (There's also possibles in the scripts folder btw). Before you edit this file, remember to back it up by copying and pasting it. it's so much more complicated if you make a mistake and it's not backed up. :P.

Changing Weapons

The prolem with replacing weapons is that if you change the number of charachters in the file then the game doesn't work at-all and goes utterly weird. As such you can only replace weapons that are already in the list with different ones, not add to the list. Luckily Team17 have included the HolyHandGrenade, the longest named weapon available, so if you're stuck for something to replace then that's a good choice.

Right, press ctrl+f and click the Text String radio button if that's not already selected. In the box enter HolyHandGrenage - if that's the weapon you want to replace - and click the OK button. That should highlight an H in the box on the right.

Okay, now say, for example that you're dying to try the ninja rope. Type NinjaRope over the top of HolyHandGrenade, but don't press the backspace or delete keys. If you do you have to use edit->insert and make sure that the number of characters at the end stays the same.
Once you've typed NinjaRope, you'll notice, quite obviously, that NinjaRope doesn't cover the whole of HolyHandGrenade. If you leave it like this it's not gonna work. So you have to click the character in the left hand box that has automatically been highlighted, and in it type 00 (two zeros).

You can replace weapons other than the holy hand grenade too, just type over them, if the new weapon's name is shorter than the old one, just put in the 00s on the left. If it's longer, then don't do it, cause it won't work. If it's the same length, then hooray. Easy. Here is a list of all the weapons that you can put in. Some of them don't work and/or crash the game, but I can't remember which ones they are. Just fiddle around a bit and see.

Increasing Round / Turn Time

In the same file as the weapons, there's also a setting for Turn time and round time. If you want to increase the round time given in the demo from whatever it originally was to 30 minutes (if you don't already have the squiffel one), then use search to find "RoundTime". To the right there should be an H. Change that to an I and you get 30 minutes. If you want what I think is infinite turn time, then search for TurnTime and change the F to its right to and H. Thanks to tundraH for telling me this :).

default.cfg and its many parameters

If you open /data/default.cfg in notepad, then there's a few things you can do. A list of parameters was posted by Yousky on the team17 forum. That's listed below. I don't even know what half of them are about, and they're useless anyway, but still nice to know. Of note though is the removal of the /fs to run it out of fullscreen and in a window. I couldn't even get the demo to run in fullscreen mode. There's also /ALLOWSCREENSHOTS, /W and /H, which are all v. handy. Here's the list by yousky.:

/NOAUTOLOOP - Don't auto return to title screen
/LOGICSEED - Used this logic seed
/GAMESEED - Use this seed for the gamesetup
/LANDSEED - Always use this seed for land
/AUTORUN - Just run game after game
/QUITAFTERBUILD - quit after building resources
/CACHEDATA - cache data (requires more mem)
/NOMOVIES - dont play any movies
/PLAYLOGOMOVIE - play the logo movies at startup
/NODEBUGINFO - hide debug information
/SHOWDEBUGINFO - display debug information
/STARTMENU <menu> - set the start menu
/NOASSERTS - stop assert boxes popping up
/ALLAIPLAYERS - to force all players to be AI
/AITESTPAUL - run Paul's debug AI code
/AITESTPHIL - run Phil's debug AI code
/MANUALCAMERA - use the manual debug camera
/D3D9 - render using Direct3D9
/D3D8 - render using Direct3D8
/D3D - render using Direct3D
/OGL - render using OpenGL
/BIGLOG - enable full logging (debug)
/TIMESCALE <scale>- scale time
/NOAI - disable AI
/LEVEL - set the level to be loaded
/? - show this information
/SHUTUP - disable character voices
/ALLOWSCREENSHOTS - press <PrintScreen> to save
/NOHUD - hide HUD elements in game
/NODEBUGUPDATE - disable debug update
/DEBUGUPDATE - enable debug update
/NOOVERLAY - hide the overlay
/SHOWOVERLAY - display the overlay
/HTTP - enable http server
/NOMUSIC - disable music
/MUSIC - enable music
/SAVEBUNDLE - save bundles (implies /BUNDLE)
/BUNDLE - use bundles
/ALLMISSIONS - No missions will be locked
/KEY - Enable software keyboard for PC
/NOTELNET - disable telnet
/TELNET - enable telnet
/H <size> - specify window/screen height
/W <size> - specify window/screen width
/WIN - run in a window
/FS - run fullscreen

Your Comments: (show all 15 comments)

[UA]tundraH Said:
More stuff - the file is called PCDemo.lub in all demos except for the leaked English one, where it is E3Multi.lub.

Someone from the T17 forums has made a "Worms3Diddler" to change the weapons, names, etc. - I'll try to get a copy if their db isn't too overloaded tomorrow.

[22.09.03 05:13 PM]

[]OPTiSSiMUS Said:
Wow, thanx guys all this stuff wrks great. I dont know if this is just my download or if it will help other peope but i found my PCdemo.lub file under scripts not maps.
[22.09.03 11:10 PM]

[S]ReadMe Said:
i found 4 separate occurances of the PCdemo.lub file, so i just changed the first name to something different for each on and had a look to see which one worked. Mine was in the maps folder.
[24.09.03 02:07 PM]

[UA]tundraH Said:
I have a .lub file with infinte ammo :D. I'll tell you how it worls when I work it out :?.
[27.09.03 10:39 AM]

[]madmax Said:
I'm sure that everybody knows how to get the weapon names but just 2 make it easier :

Redbull Freeze ChangeWorm Surrender SkipGo Jetpack Teleport LaserSight QuickWalk LowGravity ScalesOfJustice Parachute NinjaRope BridgeKit Girder MortarBomblet Bananette ClusterBomb Binoculars StickyBomb MegaMine DoctorsStrike LotteryStrike Blowpipe SuperSheep MagicBullet Armageddon NuclearBomb ConcreteDonkey OldWoman MadCow SheepStrike GasCanister PetrolBomb MineStrike Sheep Earthquake HomingPidgeon Mortar HomingMissile FirePunch VikingAxe Prod BaseballBat Uzi Shotgun Landmine BananaBomb HolyHandGrenade Dynamite Airstrike ClusterGrenade Grenade Bazooka

I think their all there i didnt test them all but i think they work.

Btw - thx ZoGgEr 4 the whole idea :)

[29.09.03 10:31 PM]

[]rainxxx Said:
dudes u dunno how glad i am (:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D isn't enough) that u tell this all, very gr8 thanx 2 all who told that all 2 me :)
[30.11.03 02:55 PM]

[]ihaveneverplaydworms Said:

[30.06.04 12:42 AM]

[G]neo-lw Said:
Ohh fidling :)
[20.03.05 05:15 PM]

[]Matix Said:
[25.09.05 11:00 PM]

[B]kyle225 Said:
why hewlo
[12.11.05 07:39 PM]

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