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I found the following comment in my msn space:

do you know me?? you do, but do you know who i am? i wont care if you delete this comment cos it must look like im stalking/obsessed/or something. and im not. i just sometimes sit here and wonder how much i mean to you, how much i ever meant to you. and then i wonder whether you ever think of me like i do you. and when i'm lying in bed, unable to sleep, it sometimes just gets to me. not just you, but all of it; life, school, any of it actually worth it? is there anything in life that makes it worth feeling like this? cos sometimes i just dont think there is, and its when i feel like this that i sit with a blade in my hand and look at my already scratched wrist and add to it. what is there in this world that makes it all worth while? what is it? it must be out there somewhere cos i have sometimes felt it. occasionally..very occasionally, when i am with my friends i can drag myself up from this deep dark hole i am in, and then i enjoy life....for an hour or two. and then some one says or does something, and i tumble straight back down again. an hour of release very two days really isnt much. so my release comes in other ways. a blade. my nails. pain. blood. it is my release, my solution, my wish. just to be gone from this damned world and all that it contains. and just when i get to this stage of my plunge, i think, why? why do i feel like this? there are people in this world who have gone through more, so much more than mr, but they manage to get back up again, yet i? i sit here and fall. my friends don't notice, well they notice my wrist but just say...what did you do?...oh, i was playing with my pets....oh, okay....and they believe me! but every day i feel like this, the blade goes deeper, not much but a little. a few times i have even stood in the kitchen with a bread knife in my hand. even laid over my wrist. but then i put it down. because i do have some hope in my soul. hope that it will be okay, and i will find again the feeling of what is right and good and worth living for. and this hope is all that i am living for, to see whether my hope is justified. as i said before, i dont care if you read this, i dont care if you think anything about it, and i dont care if you want to delete it. i dont even know why im publishing it..just letting my feelings out by writing them down has helped. but, here goes anyway.... 28 November 02:35

Published by: Someone you know
Scary, huh?
Ive posted it here because I am inclined to believe it is a very twisted prank published by a forumer who has my address. I have quite a few of you guys on my contacts list and i cant see any way it was made by friends at school etc.

Im not looking for confession, althought that would be nice, I just want to tell that person Im onto them.

Thankyou for your time.
28.11.05 20:37
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Quoted :: kikumbob

Im not looking for confession, althought that would be nice, I just want to tell that person Im onto them.

And you think it's one of us? Otherwise you wouldn't have posted here saying about a confession.

You've lost my loyalty :P


28.11.05 21:43
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The comment seems even too twisted to be one of us..
28.11.05 21:57
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How'd you know some random didn't just post it to piss you off/scare you?



28.11.05 22:10
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What the quack? That guy has got some serious issues. And if this is a prank, its not very funny, there are lots of people in this world that match that very description. Its best not to think about it.
28.11.05 22:17
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Heh. I dont think its you. Ive posted the same message in two other forums. I have 35 contacts in the group called "forumers" and 23 in the group called "friends"

Myspace only permits people who i have their contact. Its much more likely a forumer did it. Im just taking precautions.

You never know, maybe someone is litting ther wrists with a bread knife...
28.11.05 22:44
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Not me, I use proper grammar and spelling.

And what problem is it for you if someone is slitting their wrist with a knife? Silly sod.

Learn to look, look to learn.
28.11.05 23:16
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its gotta be some kind of poem, and it cant be a forumer (that isnt local i means) cause it talks about his friends n' such
also, how would he know much about you unless he was a friend? secret close friend maybe

either a gay or *your in luck* an obsessed female

28.11.05 23:21
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I think it's some prank from some idiot who copied and pasted it... spaz maybe? But he wouldn't do that.

28.11.05 23:42
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I would say don't worry about it. It was either specifically made to worry you, or made by someone that really has nothing better to do than send messed up messages to people.

Generally speaking, if someone is slitting their wrists, they do it for attention from other people. If it was someone you knew in real life, you'd know about it by now.
29.11.05 02:30
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Well it's obviously someone who doesn't know what capital letters or grammar are.

29.11.05 11:22
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Quoted :: Star Worms

Well it's obviously someone who doesn't know what capital letters or grammar are.

thats pretty normal, non-computer geeks or people who have barely used computers know how to type in perfect english
29.11.05 11:40
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wierd...I got something like that once....scary..I feel sorry for you, you might have a stalker. I could be anybody...even me...:lol:
29.11.05 14:01
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Yes, well. I'm a sensitive young fool and am generally concerend for this person. Either because they are THAT depressed or because they are THAT twisted.

Meh, my fuel for this is running out. Although I'm still curious. Anyways Im now convinced it wasnt a forumer.
29.11.05 22:32
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You shouldn't worry about this person. It's just a god damn emo.

30.11.05 12:05
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