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Can anyone suggest to me a good download manager? I got half way through a big-osh download and my whole PC crashed on me.

09.06.05 17:55
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what did u use to download that file?

If u didn't use GetRight, try it

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09.06.05 18:47
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Quoted :: YBY
what did u use to download that file?

Firefox's in-built downloader.

I'll wait for a few more opionions before making a choise.

09.06.05 18:49
Post #3
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[G]the candy man
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firefoxs in built download manager
09.06.05 20:22
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Firefox's download manager can't save file downloads from crashes, but if you look at and search for one theres a 80% chance that you'l find one (I remember when I had dialup I downloaded one off the site, rather good but I can't remember the name)
09.06.05 23:14
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I would say use Getright as well. That's what I use for my downloads.
Firefox's download resuming NEVER works for me, so I just gave up on i.
09.06.05 23:57
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10.06.05 04:11
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[]energykeeper agrees with candyman

I've never had an issue with firefox's dl manager
10.06.05 08:29
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I use Streambox VCR


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
10.06.05 09:05
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Quoted :: CBWhiz


Doesn't that still have adware on it?
10.06.05 14:39
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I went on to the GetRight website and it says you can either buy or download. If I just download without paying, does it have reminder pages? (Although I could just *Cough* it if it does have them)

10.06.05 15:26
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The reminder only pops-up every once in a while (I think it's about every 20 times you open the overview window, you won't need to open it often), and you can rid yourself of it in six seconds. Or, alternatively, you can just wait until it whisks itself away, since you can still do stuff while the message box is displayed :).
10.06.05 19:07
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i found one which its said that is the best 46 free resources:
11.06.05 10:33
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GetRight is simple, comfortable, 100% adware free. If you use the internet while downloading something big, it automatically decreases download speed so you'd be able to browse fast enough. Can accelerate file downloads by splitting them into segments. Has download scheduling, speed limits, and automatic download mode. Has it's own FTP browser which allows easy downloading of folders along with subdirectories.
Plus, it NEVER crashes, nor glitches - for over an year of using it, it never did for me.
While it isn't really free, you don't actually need to buy it - you're free to use it as long as you want without paying or cracking it.


Firefox's download manager has a few issues that do not allow you to download anything too big - 1. If you pause a download, it mostly freezes after you resume. 2. If you exit firefox, be that on accident or because of a crash, all non-finished downloads are reset. 3. It downloads severely slower than any normal download manager - i for one never seen it download anything with my connection's max speed, while Getright and Download Accelerator can do that....
12.06.05 09:37
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If you have internet explorer updated properly the downloads should start from where they stopped. But i dont use IE i use maxthon, and i dont dl things that often, i usually use bittornado for any big download i want:mrgreen:
12.06.05 21:35
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