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Quoted :: Pilki-AKA-Gollum
We also invented ... penicillin
No-one invented penicillin. Fleming only got credit for its discovery because he found it growing on an old petri dish. Nothing was done with it until Florey and Chain were granted money to mass produce it.

07.01.05 19:47
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Thomas edison hardly invented anything, he nicked ideas from other inventors, eg, Mr Swan, the true inventor of the lightbulb, an englishman. Also, the [i]Aeroplane[/i]should really be acredited to many people, the original idea of non powered flight as a glider was german (I think)and the first person to develop powerd flight was english,unfortunatly he died before it could be shown off.

We invented/discovered the structure Deoxiribose Nucleic Acid (DNA),insulin, the radio, telephone (again, not edison, alexander grahem bell), trains, the mini, watches, and we were the first too effectively use aeroplanes.

Also I'd like to point out that rugby is much much more violent than the colonial version, especialy if your a forward.

Also, I think its fair to say by the time we die, america WON'T be the worlds largest superpower, it'll probably be china or somewhere, the USA is set to run out of oil alarmingly soon, which isn't suprising or undeseved really considering thier selfish aproach to pollution.
08.01.05 20:33
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