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Seriously guys. Get the hell off your high horses and drop the holier than thou attitude. They can contest the bannings as much as they want, it's their right, as is mine to say you're paranoid (I KNOW I'm right about that). Leave users alone unless they've done something really bad (abusing the money system a little is not grounds, we've all done that at one time). And for god's sake, do NOT pre-empt people. I know you've done it a few times, and I havn't heard of it since then, but it's not fair to anyone. You may know what the users' have done, but once again, unless it's something REALLY deserving of punishment, leave them alone, they'll fold their hands eventually if they're up to no good.

The only reason I post this here is because the general community has a right to know. Otherwise we'd have kept this between the staff/haflmins. You forced my hand down, thus this post.
22.12.04 03:14
Post #46
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Abusing the money system a lot is a good reason to be banned though Glenn.
I think Pioneer322 is doing fine in knowing who's right and who's wrong. But one thing I dislike about what he does is, he goes right out and says what he thinks in the community about new users.
IF they aren't who Pio thinks they are at the time (and he's not certain since he hasn't banned them yet) then you should all keep your mouth shut until the new user does actually do something wrong.

Only throw stones at people you know did something horribly wrong and you plan to kill them with those stones..Or something along those lines..
22.12.04 03:53
Post #47
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Orangie Orgy
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These people (kyles) did do bad stuff. and some other users got banned for being annoying everywhere (chat, comments[some deleted by someone], money system abuse, double accounts)

Edit: when people start saying sh*t about Uadmins for banning new users for no reason, or banning cause they think is wrong when they have no idea what actually went on, it makes me wanna beat them with an oreo.
oreo = angry with a blunt odject
22.12.04 04:21
Post #48
Last edited: 22.12.04 04:28 (Pioneer322 - 4 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Quoted :: Glenn

Seriously guys. Get the hell off your high horses and drop the holier than thou attitude.

They can contest the bannings as much as they want, it's their right, as is mine to say you're paranoid (I KNOW I'm right about that).

Leave users alone unless they've done something really bad (abusing the money system a little is not grounds, we've all done that at one time).

And for god's sake, do NOT pre-empt people. I know you've done it a few times, and I havn't heard of it since then, but it's not fair to anyone.

You may know what the users' have done, but once again, unless it's something REALLY deserving of punishment, leave them alone, they'll fold their hands eventually if they're up to no good.

The only reason I post this here is because the general community has a right to know. Otherwise we'd have kept this between the staff/haflmins. You forced my hand down, thus this post.

I did all the bannings. Blame me, go for it.

If we are on our high horses, where the hell are you? Somwhere in space i presume

People arnt just contesting the bannings. Everywhere i look, people, are claiming we are not doing the right thing. These people. ( example Joe ) know only what they see in this forum. When as a matter of fact, there is a whole lot more discussed in the chat room. Often between more than 2 admin type people.

Leaving people alone till they are really bad, is a crock of shit. You are punished appropriatly for your crime. We have taxed many users. For example a new user the other day asked the blamer a sentance consisintg of hdoehhfrohorhheog, till it stertched the page. NOT BANNED, TAXED, AND A PM WARNING.

Saying we pre-empt people is wrong. We look further at the users activities if we see something suspect. LIKE ACCESSING USING ONLY PROXY.

Where do we draw the line at the "deserving of punishment"? It seems you would rather draw it for us.

The general community has a right to know. But they shouldnt start accusing the wrong people. IF ANY people, of banning stupid users.

Oh and heres a clincher for all you god damn miserable shits who think kyle is "OK"
PM me, and ill tell you what being "ok" is getting him for xmas.

22.12.04 10:01
Post #49
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^^ Nice one Jay

I'm fairly new, but i've heard this Kyle's name be used more then once in a not so complementing way.

From what I gather the dude was nothing more then a spaming nuisence.

Mods / Half-admin / Admin all have a job here on the board. The idea is that none of them will ever have to use the power bestoed upon them in hopes that the comunity will do the right thing.

I have Moded forums, as well as Admin my own now. Thankfully I have not had to ban any user on my boards yet, nor even so much as move a post for being in the wrong place. We have a pretty intelegent comunity that does the right thing.

Here thos, most users are under 17 years old, and some act even younger then that.

Thats why Mods are here. If someone is not doing the right thing, then its the Mod's job to put them in their place. You dont have to be harsh about it. A PM warning is fine. Continued abuse, spam, flaming, and whatever else, leads to more severe penelties. I..E.. people getting banned.

If you dont want to get banned, dont break the rules, simple as that. This Kyle fellow seems like he annoyed quite a few people, and cant see why anyone would miss him.

Quoted :: Jay

Oh and heres a clincher for all you god damn miserable shits who think kyle is "OK"
PM me, and ill tell you what being "ok" is getting him for xmas.

Calling people names will solve the problem. As a mod you should try to be better then that. I know that this is a touchey subject, and probably grates your nerves something awful, just try to keep your composure a little.

Though i will say that, if you liked Kyle, id have to wonder why.

22.12.04 11:01
Post #50
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YEah i should be better than that. Its this subject thats brought up every week.

On the subject of kyle. Just to bring everyone up to speed.

The guy was banned over and over again. Despite outcries of the communtiy saying he deservees "on elast chance" which he expired enough times to make cats 9 lives a joke.

Someone is banned, to stop them coming back. Not to attempt to return under a new guise. In kyles case, he did exactly this, more than 20 times.
22.12.04 12:52
Post #51
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Take note that most of this controversial (sp?) arguement took place after the halfmins were established. Im not saying it was a bad thing and they are probably doing a great job. Its just the users have no faith in them and dont listen to them as much as they would to admins.
22.12.04 13:00
Post #52
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see that was uncalled for ^^^

eskimo, just let the mods do they're jobs People need to be banned, its sad, and it sucks, but it can't be helped.

On my boards a spammer gets 3 chances.

a flamer gets none.

neither do beggars.

ive been prety opinionated since i came here, and ive not been warned yet. this is because my posts make a point and have suportive argumant.. usually. I post about intelligent things and don't say suff like "can i have some money please" or "how come everyone has so much money and dont"

I dont spam, just to get a post count or money. I post as though im having an intelegent conversation.

As for jay's post above mine. Cursing like that will not get you respected. It makes people not like you.

As a mod on this board you should have more composure. You can't be pissed off and make rational decicions at the same time. It doesn't work well.

Being sarcastic has the same effect. It only irritates people and starts flame wars.
22.12.04 13:13
Post #53
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Quoted :: Jay
Leaving people alone till they are really bad, is a crock of shit. You are punished appropriatly for your crime. We have taxed many users. For example a new user the other day asked the blamer a sentance consisintg of hdoehhfrohorhheog, till it stertched the page. NOT BANNED, TAXED, AND A PM WARNING.

I've seen some of the bannings. Plus, the first abuse of the money system does not deserve a ban. Set their tax to 200%, and warn them.
22.12.04 14:25
Post #54
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I agree.
22.12.04 16:10
Post #55
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erm.. set tax to 150% on a first offense. not 200 that does seem a bit harsh.

Set tax to 300% on a second offence and auto rate to 1

third offece.. wave by by
That's just how I'd do it
Not telling any one how to do their job. It would seem to me that if a set of punishments were layed out and organized that things would be fought about less often. On my forums I made things clear from the get go. If you dont like it.. then leave, it was nice knowing you. People never give me a hard time about my rules, in fact all of my users are in agreement with them.


Here's what needs to happen here (my oppinion)

First: Web Master, and all persons respected enough to have some power need to have a discussion on a private forum as far as what the rules and apropriate punishments should be.

    Topics to address:
  1. Spamers

  2. flamers

  3. Old rules no longer enforced

  4. New rules that should be implemented

  5. Other

Because this is a huge comunity, i recomend this method. Now once things have been agreed upon by 7/10's of all Mods / admins Then things go into action. Update the Faq's page to incorperate a link to the new rules.

What are BTP's rules and regulations?
SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler

This is just my oppinion and there are probobly many other ways to sort out theese differences.

22.12.04 16:50
Post #56
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Orangie Orgy
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Those who did the money cheat Did get high tax. But they continued on to another account, just becuase it doesnt have any tax. That or started spamming, and only like, 2 users kyle users ever did only money cheat (because the way he does it for spam is just the same). It also goes the same for when the Files are spammed. 600 spammy useless files in 10 minutes... DESERVES 200 TAX?

refer to these threads and take a look back:
edit: ^skip around and look for a banned torso, then read on
22.12.04 17:55
Post #57
Last edited: 22.12.04 18:12 (Pioneer322 - 4 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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errrrrrr... 600 useless files to take advantage of fake money is imediate banning.

Thats rediculous, and chilish. not to mention added strain on the server.
22.12.04 18:32
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Pio, I've seen the logs, I've seen the IP checks, and I KNOW there were some people immediately banned for a first offense.
22.12.04 18:48
Post #59
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Well thats there problem and not mine.
22.12.04 18:55
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