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My dad hates me, it's to the point now where when I get an A on a test or something, she's like, "Oh, so I guess you're gonna go fail the next one, huh?" And he's serious! :x :evil:


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30.11.04 01:28
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Quoted :: shrooms

My dad hates me, it's to the point now where when I get an A on a test or something, she's like, "Oh, so I guess you're gonna go fail the next one, huh?" And he's serious! :x :evil:

Your dads a she? lol, that explains lots.
All parents are like that. Its to motivate the kid. It usually doesnt work, but they would like you to succeed in school, to have a good job in the future, so you wouldnt be living in your moms house til your 25.
30.11.04 01:31
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my dad's easily as annoying, or worse. he's completely, and obvious ashamed of me for being a computer nerd. he doesn't accept that I want to go into animation as a career, and will do anything he can to steer me away from it, except for come out and say he doesn't want me to animate. he doesn't give me credit when I accomplish something, unless its something he's proud of me doing, in which case he'll avoid directly complimenting me as much as possible (for instance, I had a solo in marching band, where I would step out in front of the rest of the band, and play a few measures of a song, while everyone else was very quietly playing slow-moving parts behind me, and when I did an exceptionally good job at it, his "compliment" was "well, the old horn still sounds pretty good". ("the old horn" refers to the fact that he played the same instrument (trumpet) when he was in high school, and he passed the trumpet down to me, when I decided to play the trumpet in band))

my mom's fine, though she can get annoying in some ways, she's mostly just a good, supportive parent.

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30.11.04 03:37
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Quoted :: Pioneer322

Quoted :: shrooms

My dad hates me, it's to the point now where when I get an A on a test or something, she's like, "Oh, so I guess you're gonna go fail the next one, huh?" And he's serious! :x :evil:

Your dads a she? lol, that explains lots.
All parents are like that. Its to motivate the kid. It usually doesnt work, but they would like you to succeed in school, to have a good job in the future, so you wouldnt be living in your moms house til your 25.

lol you quoted the post before I edited it :P, just a minor typo.


The bunny owns you :>)
30.11.04 04:02
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Quoted :: Akuryou13

my dad's easily as annoying, or worse. he's completely, and obvious ashamed of me for being a computer nerd. he doesn't accept that I want to go into animation as a career, and will do anything he can to steer me away from it, except for come out and say he doesn't want me to animate.

That sucks man, you should be encouraged to follow your dreams!

Being an intuitive sort of person means that my ambitions are rather intangible, so my parents can worry that I'm not gonna make anything of myself. But they can't really hassle me about that, after all they work too much in boring jobs if you ask me.


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I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
30.11.04 05:06
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My parents don't really care what I do, as long as I do my best. I've wanted to be a programmer since I was five (Super Mario Brothers, those were the days...), and they havn't complained about that yet. But, my dad is completely computer illiterate, so that does lead to some interesting mind-numbingly boring conversations.
30.11.04 05:14
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people call my house and ask for J. My dad immediatly says theres no "J" here. Or correts them outright. He will laugh down the phone sometimes too. Or make comments while he walks past. Called me Shirley for a while.

My mum comes in my room or does random stupid stuff...

30.11.04 12:47
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

My mum comes in my room or does random stupid stuff...

All moms do that. They can't bear to see their little boy growing up and not needing them anymore, so they try to act useful. It's... a mother's prerogative as they say.
30.11.04 14:03
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Quoted :: shrooms

My dad hates me, it's to the point now where when I get an A on a test or something, he's like, "Oh, so I guess you're gonna go fail the next one, huh?" And he's serious! :x :evil:

Uhm, not very nice. My parents always support me.

Quoted :: The Wishmaster

My mum comes in my room or does random stupid stuff...

Hmm... Doesn't happen to me very often.
30.11.04 15:21
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My dad takes interest in what I do, my mum compliments me, but I think that's an automatic response from her.

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30.11.04 15:26
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All these things people are aying about their dads makes me think.
Thank god my parents split up 12 years ago.
My dad is a *n00b*, he used to complain at me for standing in front the TV when I was alot younger.

My mum actually is really cool person, even my mates said so (which is kinda scary). 8O


30.11.04 15:41
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My parents are ok with me, perhaps cuz of the excessively high grades i am getting at school. SpoilerSpoiler (Click to Expand)Spoiler
They are happy with my idea of goin 2 uni for programming. They really haven't been as 'cranky' as some of the parents above


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30.11.04 15:55
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Probably the worst thing my dad does is tell "Dad" jokes. The really crap ones that make you go "mhhhhhhhh." (Not the best way of puting it into text)

30.11.04 16:10
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Quoted :: shrooms

lol you quoted the post before I edited it :P, just a minor typo.

You didn't edit your post. It's still "dad" and "She's"

Anyway, my parents are random. Sometimes I get to stay up for a huge long time (2:30 AM xD) and sometimes it's like "HELL, GO TO BED ALREADY. NOW!"
Or sometimes I can play games for 5 hours in a row, and sometimes it's restricted to 30 minutes! (Tests at school may affect this a lot). I'm glad that I can still visit teh Internet any time (and play runescape, heh)

This is how my parents randomize.
30.11.04 16:42
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Quoted :: Bloopy
That sucks man, you should be encouraged to follow your dreams!
my does, my mom supports me in whatever I do, and lets me do whatever I want, cause she knows that if I screw up, I'll have to handle it myself, and I'll learn from it, and if I want to do something bad enough, I'll do it anyway, despite what she says. unfortunately, my dad doesn't see things that way, so i avoid him in most cases. (luckily, they're divorced, so I only see my dad when he brings me to karate, and when I go to his house (I go to visit my cousin and friends in that town))

Claymore Mines aren't filled with yummy candy, and it's wrong to tell others that they are.
30.11.04 17:23
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