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Here's a little thing I wrote while I was bored a minute ago. Just wanted to see if anyone could work out the answer. You just have to give me the sentence(s) asked for at the end, and how you worked it out. It may easily just have you stumped, or it may be really easy.

Leave this pixel blaming place and visit the opera house - have a browse. Join in & sing along.
4 lines in - stop. Open the door, and something else too. leave.
Time for a 10^100
Revisit old memories, type them in. Now onwards, time for some numbers;
(That point where the gun is fired and everyone runs away) = (hastings - 963)+(the meaning of two hitchhikers' lives)-The unusual dozen. Move to this house, visit the pub and get some drinks to change your address.
Planets go round, no Tea, just Soup, and maybe some Vodka too, if it's first.
Beneath the sea, or at least its inhabitant, lie two common names. Click the second.
Scroll down, be bold, find a job.
Now shout to me what is shouted to those who would provide work for the lazy.

That's it; hf :). Need a clue? Just ask.

edit: just swapped over the 2 sides of the equation, and corrected a spelling mistake (if* it's first)

You know I'm a dancing machine
08.08.03 12:50
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Wow. I have not a clue where to start.

I think the hitchiker number is from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galexy, though since I wont read it until next week I dont know for certain :D

10^100, IIRC, is a google.

BTW, what exactly is this? Like a big riddle?
Or do we have to do these physical steps somewhere?
08.08.03 13:26
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the sentence you're looking for is on a site somewhere, you just have to find it using those clues there.

You know I'm a dancing machine
08.08.03 13:36
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heh, nobody has any idea then. Oh well, guess it shall remain a mystery forever... ;)

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.08.03 11:15
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some people may have the belief that the benifits of solving the riddle would not outweigh the pointlessness :) sounds like me


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
11.08.03 11:18
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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the devil finds work for idle fingers !

so true in this case

ure mad zogger, :)
11.08.03 11:32
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[]The Pope
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NURSE! Kill this man please, he is a threat to sanity.

Learn to look, look to learn.
11.08.03 12:53
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which one, me or him?

Maybe I'll offer a reward to someone if they get the answer ;).

You know I'm a dancing machine
11.08.03 13:56
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he probably means me,

he has sumpfing against me
11.08.03 13:59
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the answer is the wismaster. wheere is my reward?
11.08.03 20:17
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lol, not that question, the first one.

You know I'm a dancing machine
12.08.03 10:03
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aww dammit :(
12.08.03 10:28
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Quoted :: The Wishmaster

the devil finds work for idle fingers !
nah the system tries to force work upon idle fingers and the devil laughs, but the messiah's idle fingers get a mind of their own :)


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
12.08.03 11:56
Post #13
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
[]The Pope
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the death thing was to ZoGgEr but i retreat my comment, no need to rush to the internet police. Now there's an idea...

Learn to look, look to learn.
15.08.03 08:31
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