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Ok. First I give credit fo C1 giving me this idea from the old Never Ending Story (the story was kind of fixed thanks to C1, kept on editing my posts :O) and C1's comics. I am not ripping C1 off, this was just inspired by C1.

A CYOA is a "Choose your own adventure" at the end of the post, there will be four choices. All you have to do is post one silly letter and then I continue the story. I'm a horrible writer so you all can shoot me.

Early in the morning, ZoGgEr! is in Cannabis Cafe in Pixville II having a coffee with Bloopy.

ZoGgEr!: C1 is having another party today.
Bloopy: So I've heard. He's got something to show everyone he said. I wonder what it is.
ZoGgEr!: Something to copywrite everything that has to do with him or something like that. It's probably not that important.
Bloopy: Knowing C1, it'll be important when he uses and abuses it, but he's no villan.
ZoGgEr!: Ah, you mean like that time when he became an Uber God from making people a lower ranking than him. That was like making someone into a slave while you get more powerful. Anyways, it's almost time for C1's party.
Bloopy: I think he's crazy for having these parties in the morning. But then, they last the whole day anyways,
ZoGgEr! and Bloopy leave Cannabis Cafe and head to the C-Pad. ZoGgEr! and Bloopy are two minutes late
C1: You're two minutes late for my party. But I don't care. I'm about to reveal my new invention.
ZoGgEr! and Bloopy stand in the croud of people crowding around a large object with a blanket on top
C1: Everyone. We live in Pixville II, but there are no pixels. So I have invented this!
C1 throws blanket off the machine. It looks like one of those vending machines that sell drinks. It looks like it's for Pepsi.
SPAZ: A vending machine?
C1: No, it's a pixel making machine! You just have to choose a color and size and voila! You have a pixel to blame.
ZoGgEr!: Why do we want pixels?
C1: To ask them, study them, blame them, ex-cetera.
Bloopy: Sounds fun.
C1: It probably is. Anyways, who wants to try it?
Sonic, like an eleven-year-old, goes up to the machine and presses a whole bunch of buttons on the machine. The machine beeps and lights flash. In the end. Nothing happens.
C1: You ass! You broke my machine! Now I'll have to fix it. This party is over! Leave my house!
Everyone leaves the house, but suddenly it bursts into flames!

A) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy reenter the house
B) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy ignores it
C) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy stand there helpless and ReadMe appears
D) C1 barrel rolls out of the house.

Yes I know this is lame. Just shut up.

08.10.04 23:08
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C) ReadMe, Abd, Glenn, Khuzad
D) C1

C wins:

ZoGgEr! looks sideways at bloopy with a worried look upon his face, 'What do you wanna do?' he enquires, supressing a snigger.
'No idea' replied bloopy, evidently also supressing that same snigger.

They both knew it wasnt really nice, but they could help but find the burning house in front of them amusing.

At that instant ReadMe manifiests behind them and shouts boo! starling them both.
"I'll never get uesed to this idea of you being a god you know ReadMe" complains ZoGgEr!
"Me niether", he replies "Who would have thought that building a temple would get some worhsippers in and elevate me onto a higher plane of existance"
"I best you get the best seats in restaurants" bloopy points out.
"Anyway, about this fire - theres awaterfall in the middle of C1's pad, there's no way it could be on fire" ReadMe notices
The fire promptly went out, as if conceding the logic of ReadMe's arguement.
"Anyway, must be going - gotta grab some slaves to get this damn temple done"
And with that he disappeared as quickly as he had appeared

A) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy explore the wreckage
B) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy wonder off aimlessly
C) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy head to bloopy's place
D) A strange creature emerges from the smouldering wreckage of the garage

I'll be deleting all the vote posts after each stage so as to keep the length down a little.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
09.10.04 09:54
Post #2
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Glenn's winner!

A: Psymon, Falkra, C1
B: ZoGgEr!
D: Khuzad, Glenn, SPAZ

Bloopy and ZoGgEr! enter the ruins of C1's house.
ZoGgEr!: Something must have happened in that area where C1 displayed that invention.
Bloopy: Hmm, what if the machine blew up and caused the fire?
They enter the ruined room and saw a strange creature emerge from the machine. It's large and had an afro like C1's. It was blocky and looked like one of those people who were censored on TV with the pixelated faces and bodies.
Bloopy: Is that C1?
ZoGgEr!: C1, is that you?
Creature: Bwhahaha. Not anymore. I am C-P1x3l. I am evil and 1337. My status is higher than Uber God. None of you can stop me now. I cannot be banished.
Bloopy: Where is C1?
C-P1x3l: I am C1 fused with all the pixels in my pixel machine. I can create them with my own hands and I will rule all of Pixvill II!
ZoGgEr!: Impossible!
C-P1x3l summons an army of pixels.
Bloopy: Oh shit. Zog, I think we better get out of here!

A) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy fight the pixels FINAL FANTASY Style, complete with the ATB system!
B) ZoGgEr! and Bloopy run away.
C) Bloopy takes out a stack of empty CD-R's and throws them at the pixels.
D) ReadMe and TheAbdBoy enter the room. (You knew I was going to put myself somewhere :D)

Edit: ReadMe, do the next one I gotta do a project and an essay.

10.10.04 23:40
Post #3
Last edited: 11.10.04 04:49 (TheAbdBoy - 2 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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B: Khuzad
C: C1,
D: Glenn, ReadMe, Psymon, The candy Man

ReadMe enters the room with TheAbdBoy.
TheAbdBoy: Doubleyou tea eff?
ReadMe: Woah. It's like C1 became some pixel giant thing!
C-P1x3l: Ah, more flesh for my pixels to feed on. Attack!
The pixel army attack the group of four. ReadMe blames one and it dissappears. C-P1x3l summons another army of pixels. TheAbdBoy quickly transforms into Hershey and takes out his sword, he destroys many of the pixels. But C-P1x3l summons a bigger pixel army. Half of the army takes Hershey's sword the other half surround Hershey so he's trapped.
C-P1x3l: It is impossible to fight me. Don't be stupid. TheAbdBoy will suffer if you try to resist.
ZoGgEr!: It's only TheAbdBoy, no one will care.
Bloopy: What are you saying?! If he's gone, then SPAZ won't have a living ex-husband!
ReadMe: There's always Knifa. Anyways, I think we should leave, we can rescue TheAbdBoy later. It's too dangerous here.
ZoGgEr!: Alright. Let's go. Maybe CBWhiz or Knifa could help us.
The remaining three run out of the C-Pad
ZoGgEr!: Ok, what should we do first?

A) Tell SPAZ about his ex-husband
B) Ask Knifa for help
C) Ask useless CBWhiz for help (jk about the useless part)
D) Find Glenn and see what he can do RPG-wise to help.
And for random sillyness, I've added an option E for this one:
E) Get Kalan Porter's autograph

12.10.04 01:57
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Last edited: 12.10.04 02:03 (TheAbdBoy - 2 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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A: Khuzad
C: C1
D: Glenn, Falkra, Psymon
E: Kalan Porter, Split

ReadMe: I suggest that we go ask Glenn, he may be able to help us RPG wise.
ZoGgEr!: Ok. Where does he live?
Bloopy: I don't think he currently has a house in Pixville II, but I'm pretty sure he's a tenant of Mountain-View Chalet on Pixelberry Drive in Pixville.
ZoGgEr!: Pixville is pretty far from here. Do you think we'll make it back in time?
ReadMe: We will, I don't think C-P1x3l would do anything stupid like Kyle. Let's go to Satanic Mods to get a fast car. We'll be able to get to PixVille faster. ZoGgEr! can drive.
ZoGgEr!: Yay!
The party head to Satanic mods and greet red bullets.
red bullets: Hello Mayor ZoG.
ZoGgEr!: Hello red bullets. Can I have a car for a while? We need to head to Pixville.
red bullets: Ok, but you must give me some dough, got some?
ReadMe composes some dough from the air and it floats in red bullets hands. ReadMe goes into a Ferrari.
ZoGgEr!: Hey, these cars are only meant for two people!
Bloopy: ReadMe will fit in the trunk.
ReadMe sadly walks and opens the boot and goes in. Bloopy closes it and gets in the car. ZoGgEr! takes the drivers seat. ZoGgEr! backs the car out and drives out of Pixville II. As they drive on the highway...
Bloopy: STOP!
ZoGgEr! slams the breaks.
ZoGgEr!: Why'd you ask me to stop?
Bloopy: It's Kalan Porter and he's giving out autographs!
ZoGgEr!: We'd better get ReadMe out of the boot, he'd want one.
ZoGgEr! opens the trunk and ReadMe jumps out.
ReadMe: Why'd you stop the car? OH MY GOSH. IS THAT KALAN PORTER?
ReadMe runs up to Kalan Porter. ZoGgEr! and Bloopy also rush up behind him.
ReadMe: Can I have your autograph?
ZoGgEr!: Me too!
Bloopy: And don't forget about me!
Kalan: Sure!
Kalan gives ZoGgEr!, Bloopy and ReadMe his autograph.
ZoGgEr!: Oh, can we have an extra three autographs? My friend and his ex-husband would want one, and I belive a mutant in PixVille II would also want to see your autograph.
Kalan: Sure!
Kalan signs another three. Suddenly, they hear a tire pop. ReadMe turns around and see Kyle slashing the tires! Kyle turns and runs away.

A) Go after Kyle
B) Replace the tires
C) Ask for more Autographs
D) Walk to Pixville

It's my story, so i had to put Kalan in there :D

13.10.04 02:50
Post #5
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A) HarrY, C1, Pioneer322
D) Glenn, The Wishmaster

ReadMe, Bloopy, and ZoGgEr! chase after Kyle. ReadMe quickly uses his powers and teleports in front of Kyle. ReadMe grabs Kyle's arm and Bloopy and ZoGgEr! surround Kyle. ReadMe lets go of Kyles arm.
ReadMe: No way for you to escape now Kyle.
Kyle: Or so you think.
Kyle makes multiple copies of himself.
Bloopy: There must be hundreds of them!
ZoGgEr!: Looks like we'll have to fight them Matrix style.
Suddenly, ReadMe, Bloopy and ZoGgEr! are in trench coats.
ZoGgEr!: Thanks ReadMe.
Kyle(s): Time to die, fuckers.
The group of Kyles start to attack the three. ReadMe uses his powers to make a sheild and deflects the Kyles off. Meanwhile, Bloopy took out a stack of AOL CD's.
Bloopy: I knew these things would come in handy one day.
ReadMe removes the sheild and Bloopy starts throwing the AOL CDs at the Kyles. With his perfect aim, Bloopy knocks out seven of the Kyles. The Kyles suddenly have axes.
ReadMe: We'll be fine, axes suck!
A Kyle throws an axe at ReadMe's head, but he barely misses. ZoGgEr! catches the axe and throws it at a Kyle. The Kyles head flies off. Suddenly, the screen blends and four HP bars are at the bottom. ZoGgEr!, ReadMe, Bloopy and Glenn! They are standing in a line, facing only nine Kyles.
Glenn: It's time to fight, FINAL FANTASY style, complete with the ATB system!
ReadMe: Glenn, how did you get here?
Glenn: Don't ask questions now, the ATB is fast!
ReadMe gets attacked by a Kyle. ReadMe loses 23 HP
ReadMe: Why you little!
ReadMe tries to attack the Kyle, but it seems that he's stuck to the ground.
Glenn: Wait for your ATB bar to fill up, it's ZoGgEr!'s turn right now.
ZoGgEr! summons theThe village idiot minus the idiot... and the village... all Kyles are defeated! [FANFARE MUSIC]

B) Throw some meat on the ground, hopefully making all the Kyles try to eat it and run away
C) Make ReadMe sing!
D) Give the original Kyle a Kalan Porter autograph

14.10.04 03:07
Post #6
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A=Instant Winnar!

Glenn casts Bolt on all Kyles. A small group of Kyles die. ReadMe uses Start>Run>winipcfg.exe and the Kyles defense lowers. Glenn casts another Bolt spell and all but one Kyle dies.
Glenn: You're the asshole we wanna kill.
Kyle: I'm not giving up.
ZoGgEr!: I never said I was either.
ZoGgEr! takes out a notepad and slaps Kyle across the face
Kyle: Now you're asking for it.
Kyle changes the battle music.
[Pokemon Battle!]
Kyle: Go Pikachu!
Kyle throws a Pokeball and a Pikachu appears on the ground.
Bloopy: Let me deal with this one.
Bloopy throws a Pokeball and a Kangaskhan appears.
Kyle: Pikachu, THUNDERBOLT!
Pikachu: Pee....kaaah....chooo!
Pikachu uses Thunderbolt on Kangaskhan. It's not very effective.
Bloopy: Kangaskhan! Eat the Pikachu!
The Kangaskhan picks up Pikachu, and eats it.
[Bloopy is Winnar!]
Kyle: ;_; My beautiful Pikachu, oh how I enjoyed touching you at night.
Glenn: What the fuck?
ReadMe punches Kyle in the stomach and Kyle falls over. ReadMe raises an axe above Kyles head.
Glenn: Wait!

A) Let Kyle live
B) Use a sword instead of an axe
C) Give him Kalan Porters Autograph
D) Make Kyle go kill Romeo.

15.10.04 02:34
Post #7
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B: Pio, falkra, me, glenn, harry

Glenn: an axe is too good for him, thats how they used to kill kings - here, use my sword.
ReadMe raises the sword high above his head
Kyle: Stop, i'll do you a deal!
ZoGgEr!: I'm listening, this better be good.
Kyle: I know how you can defeat C-P1x3l
Bloopy: Tell us and we might let you live
Kyle: You'll need to seek out the only thing that can combat pixels - a flood fill
ReadMe: Ingenious... but where do we get hold of one of these?
Kyle: well, i could get you a cracka nd you could download it from...
ZoGgEr!: Nope, we dont allow stuff like that on BTP.
Kyle: Then I guess you'll have to complete the trials of photoshop in order to use the flood fill and remove all the pixels forever.
Glenn: How do we enter these trials?
Kyle: You must find a dough bee, only then will you be able to partake in the trials - be warned, they last for 30 days and only one of you can enter.
ReadMe brings down the sword in one swift motion servering the head of kyle, or at least what they thought was kyle, the head hits the floor with a metallic thunk with sparks flying everywhere
Bloopy: An android! we've been spoofed again!
ZoGgEr!: One day we'll find the real one - then we'll teach him a real lesson
Glenn: First to find a dough bee tho - C-P1x3l should be priority number 1 for now.
ReadMe: so where do we start looking?

A) Google
B) Pixville
C) Pixville 2
D) The bakery
E) The hive

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
15.10.04 23:25
Post #8
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Sorry about the long wait and shortened update. I'm a bit busy playing video games :P

ZoGgEr!: Lets try Google. I think we should get to the Firefox, it'll be much faster then the Internet Explorer and Ferrari. Especially scince Internet Explorer SUCKS and isn't luxurious and sexy.
CBWhiz comes out of nowhere.
CBWhiz: I Heart Firefox.
CB dissappears.
ZoGgEr!: Anyways... TO THE FIREFOX!
They walk to the nearest browser shop, which is coincedentially the one for Mozilla.
Salesman Guy: Hello, looking for a car?
ZoGgEr!: Yeah, we need a Firefox, right now. how much would that be?
Salesman Guy: £3094.22.
ReadMe: Damnit, why did it have to be the exact amount of money I had?
Bloopy: Pay the man, ReadMe.
ReadMe pays for the Firefox. Everyone gets into the car.
ZoGgEr!: Isn't this great? We can go to more than one place at one time! Anyways, we just need to head to Google.
ZoGgEr! zooms off to Google. Everyone gets out of the browser.
Search: Welcome to Google, how can I help you?
ReadMe: We're looking for the Photoshop Trials.
Search: Would you like fries with that?
ReadMe: No.
Search: Ok, I'll go look for the Photoshop Trials.
Search leaves and comes back in 0.23 seconds with a list of 3400 pages of places that leads to the Photoshop trials.
Search: You're best bet is:

ZoGgEr!: Ok, thanks Search. See you later.
Search: No problem.
The group all touch the link and they get teleported to a circular room with many doors around them. They are labeled to where they lead to.
Bloopy: Which door should we go through?

A) Acrobat
B) Adobe Encore DVD
C) Graphics Server
D) Adobe Graphics Server
E) After Effects
F) Atmosphere
G) Audition
H) FrameMaker
I) GoLive
J) Illustrator
K) InCopy
L) InDesign
M) PageMaker
N) Photoshop
O) Photoshop Elements
P) Premiere Pro
Q) Streamline

Note: Sorry about the long list. And sorry for posting such a long list where everyone will choose the most obvious answer.

19.10.04 01:15
Post #9
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A) ZoGgeR!, Khuzad, ReadMe
N) Pio, Pilki, Simon, fuzz, Falkra, Glenn, HarrY, The candy Man, Kalan.
Guy who doesn't read the posts) Red Bull

ReadMe: I belive we're supposed to go through the Photoshop door. It will probably lead us to the trials.
Suddenly, an evil monkey appears in the room, and it runs around at top speed, switching the signs on the doors, and to make the plot more ironic, the gang did not see the monkey, due to it moving faster than the speed of life.
Glenn: Did anyone feel a breeze?
ZoGgEr!: Nope. Probably the AC or something like that. Lets get going.
They all walk through the Photoshop door. Suddenly, the door slams itself shut.
Bloopy: This isn't the Photoshop! This is the Acrobat!
ReadMe tries to open the door.
ReadMe: It's locked.
ZoGgEr!: Did Kyle lure us into a trap?
Glenn: I doubt that. I think someone else is trying to keep us from getting rid of C-P1x3l.
Bloopy: The door should unlock at some point.
Everyone waits about half an hour. ReadMe checks the door again.
ReadMe: I don't think it's going to work. Anyone got any better ideas?

A) Do something drastic!
B) (Choice of Bluie Glenn, that means, Glenn can choose whatever B can be, and people will vote on it)
C) (Choice of Admin ZoGgEr! Same as above)
D) (Choice of Admin ReadMe. You know what I mean)

20.10.04 00:52
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Scince I'm lazy, and I can oly do a quick update, A is winner! (everyone followed ReadMe's choice, which was A)

ReadMe: I'm going to try something drastic.
ReadMe backs up and faces the door. ReadMe runs, then jump-kicks the door. The door falls over.
Glenn: Good job. To the Photoshop trials!
They all get into the room with all the doors.
Bloopy: Which door can be the real one?
ZoGgEr!: I'll open each door and look inside to see where the Photoshop trials
ZoGgEr! does that.
ZoGgEr!: It's here! In PageMaker.
Everyone enters the PageMaker room. The door closes again. But it doesn't lock. Meanwhile in the other room, the evil monkey switches the signs back to normal.
ReadMe: Okay, only one person can enter the trials. Who should go?

A) ZoGgEr!
B) Bloopy
C) ReadMe
D) Glenn

21.10.04 03:57
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Glenn: I'll do it.
ReadMe: Ok, good luck.
Glenn enters the trials.
ReadMe: I guess we have to wait here for thirty days.
Bloopy: Yep. I hope he get's out alive.

Glenn: Woah. This place is so complicated. It's like I'm living in the FINAL FANTASY world.
Glenn walks down a long hallway for about one day. There are three ways he can go, left, right and straight.


22.10.04 21:51
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Sorry for the very late update. I was doing work for the Sunday Blamer. It's on Knifa's Issue #4 if you want to see what I was doing. :)

Glenn takes the right path. A wall forms behind him, making sure Glenn can't escape. Glenn walks straight..Glenn sees a door. On the door is a square, it's lines are dotted.
Glenn: Is that a marquee?
Glenn opens the door and goes into the room. A voice from no where speaks.
Voice: You must learn how to master the marquee tool. I want you to take this marquee and delete this grass.
A Marquee tool appears and grass on the ground appears. Glenn takes the marquee tool.
Glenn: What am I supposed to do with it? It says its on Replace mode. The other modes are Remove and Add. Am I supposed to select something?
Glenn puts a select on the grass in Replace mode. Glenn lifts the grass and it disappears.
Voice: Now I want you to select a piece of the grass, but you must remove the select after.
Glenn: Ok, I think I know what I have to do.
Glenn selects the grass in rreplace mode, then selects the selected area in remove mode.
Voice: Your last task is to select the grass, and then select another section of the grass away from your first selection Glenn: How the fsck am I supposed to do that?
Glenn selects some grass, then he selects another part of the grass in replace mode. The original selection dissappears.
Glenn: Does Add mode have to do with this?
Glenn selects some grass, then he selects another selection of the grass in Add mode.
Voice: Congratulations. You have 29 days left and you have 21 stages to complete. As you know, you can not leave untill the trial is complete, if you do not finish it in 30 days, you will be trapped in here forever. Now choose the next stage to start.

A) Lasso
B) Magic Wand
C) Move
D) Hand
E) Zoom
F) Cropping
G) Type
H) Paint Bucket
I) Gradient
J) Line
K) Eyedropper
L) Eraser
M) Pencil
N) Airbrush
O) Paintbrush
P) Rubber stamp
Q) Smudge
R) Rubber Stamp
S) Smudge
T) Sharpen/Blur
U) Dodge/Burn/Sponge

Again, tonnes of choices. Have fun :D

24.10.04 22:45
Post #13
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Magic Wand Is Winner!

Glenn enters the magic wand room. He sees that another person is in this room.
Person: Hey Glenn, it's me, Pioneer322.
Glenn: Hey Pioneer, what are you doing here?
Pioneer322: I don't have Photoshop, so I was hoping to be able to take the tools from here for a while. I haven't tried using Photoshop before, so I thought this would be fun. How far are you in the trials?
Glenn: I have 21 stages to complete. Only 30 days left. How about you?
Pioneer322: This is my last stage!
Glenn: Really? Did you know that C-P1x3l is attacking Pixville II? We need a flood fill to get rid of C-P1x3l.
Pioneer322: What's C-P1x3l?
Glenn: I really don't know. But it's bad.
Pioneer322: If both of us work together, we both can get out of the trials at the same time. I have about 12 days left to do this.
Glenn: Excelent. What do we have to do?
Pioneer322: All we have to do is take the wand, select one object and then select the other object at the same time. Here you can try.
Pioneer322 tosses the wand to Glenn.
Glenn: This is exactly like the Selection tool!
Pioneer322: Exactly. It's used for the same purpose, except this tool selects one color in an area automatically instead of you having to select one square.
Glenn selects the blue object in Replace Mode. Then he goes to the other object and selects the green object in Add mode.
Voice: Congratulations. You have completed the Photoshop trials in 18 days. You have 12 days until the tools you have gathered disappear.
Glenn and Pioneer322 are in the same room with ZoGgEr!, ReadMe and Bloopy.
ReadMe: Hey Glenn. Hey Pio. Are you done already Glenn?
Pioneer322: I got the Paint Bucket tool for the flood fill you want to do ReadMe. Would you mind telling me about C-P1x3l?
ReadMe: C-P1x3l is the result from C1 and a pixel making machine.
Glenn: Why do we need pixels?
Bloopy: To blame.
Pioneer322: Oh boy, if it's C1 and pixels, it's real dangerous. I think we need to get to Pixville II fast!
ZoGgEr!: Yes. No wasting time. TO THE FIREFOX!
Everyone enters the Firefox and they go to Pixville II quickly. When ZoGgEr! steps out of the car...
ZoGgEr!: OH MY GOD! This place has been invaded by pixels!
A Pixel comes up to the Firefox and turns it into a new pixel.
Glenn: Oh shit, they can matrix our ass!
The Pope comes up from behind them.
The Pope: I shouldn't have taught them that matrix thing...
Bloopy: WHAT? Why?
The Pope: I never really intended to I was trying to do it myself, but I was not sucessful. I think one of the pixels were watching me and they figured out how to do it.
Pioneer322: I think it's too dangerous doing a flood fill. Because all the pixels are diffrent colors and we'll have to set the tolerance to 200. That can wipe everyone out. What can we do?
ReadMe: I think we should go to Falkra's Illusion, we can plan everything from there. That place should be safe, because it's an illusion and it should confuse the pixels.
Bloopy: I think we should see what happened to C-P1x3l.
Glenn: we should kick some ass.
Pioneer322: Maybe we should do the Flood Fill.
ReadMe: ZoG, it's your choice.

A) Head to Falkra's Illusion.
B) Fight, fight, fight
C) Go to the C-Pad, to see what happened to C-p1x3l
D) Who cares about safety? FLOOD FILL, tollerance 200 :P

26.10.04 01:57
Post #14
Last edited: 26.10.04 01:58 (TheAbdBoy - 1 times) [Twitter] [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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A) pio, Glenn, Evil Cat, Harry, Khuzad, Falkra, Pilki, psmon
C) C1
D) Fuzz, Wishta

Runaway winner is A

The gang hightail it down to falkras illusion
ReadMe: hey look, falkra is ok, he's at the window!
Falkra opens the door
Falkra: Quick, come inside
Bloopy: But you're still at the window!
Falkra: It's all just an illusion
The gang head inside
Pio: Whoa, it's like tardis in here, it's huge
ZoGgEr: And high-tech
Falkra: Well, I try. The illusion generator seems to be confusing the pixels so for now we're safe. I've been suing this house as a base to co-ordinate the anti-pixel resistance.
ReadMe: Sounds good to me, I'm gonna gather some priests up at the temple - try and see what options we have left.
Glenn: You have priests?
ReadMe: Oh yeah, thats nothing - i have thunderbird 1 stashed under the fountain.
Pope: nifty
ReadMe: bbl
ReadMe glows a little then vanishes
Falkra: I have something you might be interested in seeing everyone
He leads them into what seems to be some sort of medical room, inside there is a glass jar with many pipes leading into it. Something is floating in the jar
Bloopy: ABD!
ZoGgEr: You're alive!
Abd: Oh yeah, being a floating head is the epitome of alive
Falkra: We found him not far fomr the C pad, the surgeons around here managed to save him.
Abd: Yup, save - thats exactly the word i'd use
The Pope puts a cloth over the jar
Glenn: Right then, whats the plan?

A) Wait for ReadMe to get back with the priests
B) Build Abd a robot body to attach his head to
C) Hole out inside the illusion for a while
D) Google for 'pixel removal techniques'

I'll be deleting al posts apart from the storyline in a sec.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
27.10.04 19:59
Post #15
Last edited: 27.10.04 21:25 (ReadMe - 1 times) [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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