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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

I will say what I think about those games and than you say what you think8)

Doom is legend of 3D FPS games
not just Doom, there are Quake, and Wolfenstein, masterpieces of absolute lords of FPS games, id software
I mean, Doom is game that have great atmosphere, the felling of playing game is realy soemthign special, this is what makes game so special, not some paticles, shadows, lights, animations, story........

On other side there is game that I never played, but I know enought things to say about it. Half life is game that, well maybe have advanced graphic, drag-doll efects, physical engine, efects, but this isnt what makes game so good. Half like dont have that feeling whule playing, that one game need to become ultimate legend, like GrandPrix2, Warcraft3, Doom1,2,3, Quake1,2,3, Starcraft, Worms games, and not much more
That are legends of gaming world that will not be forgoten, that will last forever
And Half Life2...................
There are way too much talking about it and nothing that players can realy see
They told that game will be released in September30 2003
Soon will be September30 2004...
I can understand that they need time for developing game, but dont tell dates then, nobody was saying that doom will be out every 15 days.....

And one more thing that I dont like Half Life becouse: one stupid mod that is worldwide popular even if there are games that are 10 times better, but nobody wants to play them...
Half Life and CS are moneymaker machines, not gaming legends, like Doom3....

be real
16.09.04 12:31
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[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Archamond, the whole fact that you've not played Half Life 2, is a good enough reason to shut you up.

Doom 3 wasn't anything ground breaking, it was your usual shooter but with nice graphics.

You can't honestly base your arguement upon rumours and information snippets.

You say cs is stupid? How come it's lasted for so long with so many players worldwide. Doom has NEVER done anything like that.

CS is a free mod. You can't say it's a moneymaker if it's legally free off the net.

And you talk about release date slippages and an over-hyped feel. Well, as for the release date, it'll take as long as it needs to. Over-hyped feel? Well you can choose to ignore it. You DON'T have to believe everything they say. Just look at the screenshots, read the interviews and wait for it.

In all forms, Half Life 2 will be better than Doom 3.

It's like asking what's better; a tricycle ( Doom 3) which is stable, you know what to expect and is simple or a motorbike (Half Life 2) which is powerful, very customisable and is more complex.

You can pick out any good point from Doom 3 and Half Life 2 will better it.

Gameplay, graphics, sounds, specifications and multiplayer. They'll all be better.

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16.09.04 13:13
Post #2
Last edited: 16.09.04 13:14 (The Pope - 1 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Redbull gives you wings!

I don't know if doom is better than half life, but I'm sure halflife isn't near as laggy as doom3 is. Doom3 freezes up all the time on me. I finally got it to work, but stil very laggy. In my opinion I think they will have to do a remake of doom, because it was not ready to come out when it did.


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16.09.04 13:39
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After playing Doom3 even for a very short period of time, i got the feeling that it's....unfinished. The surrounding environment is just boring(labs, compounds, bases, empty buildings, the same thing over and over from Doom 1 till 3), outdoors are a lot lower quality than they could be, and last but not least, there is no proper storyline. Creatures from hell broke lose, meh, we already heard that in previous Doom versions.

I haven't played Half Life 2 yet, so i don't really have an opinion about it, but judging by the screenshots and what people say about the game, it'll be quite more worth playing
16.09.04 15:35
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Quoted :: Bullseye

In my opinion I think they will have to do a remake of doom, because it was not ready to come out when it did.

I think i'd have to agree with Bullseye on this one. Even i've had doubts about its release. A little too soon in my opinion. Most users of PC's haven't upgraded straight away just so Doom 3 can be run on it. Release date was too soon, it should either be taken off the shelf and back into the workshop for re-coding. Or taken off the shelf and released near enough the same time as Half Life 2. On that note:

Quoted :: Archamond

Half Life and CS are moneymaker machines, not gaming legends, like Doom3....

That there is the biggest load of bullsh*it I have ever heard. Yes Doom is a lengendary series, but Half Life is also. Winner of 50 Game of the Year Awards and Best Game of All Time on the Gamespy network (voted by the public). And people like me still play it, and i'm not ashamed to say it. I enjoy Half Life and CS online. More than Worms infact. But saying something like that is crap. It's not a money maker because most of the stuff you can get for it, can be downloaded for free. How is that a money maker?

I rest my case, :lol: :)

Edit: Wow! The biggest post i've written so far :D


16.09.04 16:29
Post #5
Last edited: 16.09.04 16:31 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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I would like to add my few cents.

Doom 3 for one IS A REMAKE, thats right folks a remake of the original story.

Doom3 is more of a demonstration of WHAT can be achieved with the engine.

Doom3 IS NOT a multiplayer game.

Its a great game, and it works very well.

Half life 2 is diffirent. Its outdoors, its teamwork. its got the biggest multiplayer base ive ever seen.

These are not DOOM 3, DOOM3 is dark, dingy, on your own with the lights out play. Feeling claustrophobic, thats because its deliberate.

And having played the CS: S beta, i can say CS source is amazing, AND its supposedly already in your half life 2 box.

I can wait for Half Life 2, but im sure as hell going to pick it up. And im still playing doom3.

Unfortuantly Arch, your coming across a bit too much like a fan boy.

The games are opposite, next generation games, but opposite. The engines handle diffirent things better.

Outdoor - HL2
Indoor - Doom3

Now, another thing. since doom3 is out. Runt.

I frequesnt a large tech forum, and the staggering number of people there that upgraded to next gen cards to get the best out of doom3 was amazing.

Now, another reason people may not have upgraded however, was that the game is so well optimised it plays well on ALOT of systmes.

Why the hell would htey re-code doom3 or keep it back?

the world was itching for a 1st person next gen shooter since Farcry.

Why keep it back to compete with a game, when you can have ALL the customers?
16.09.04 20:29
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It's all a matter of opinion, really. I have a strong bias towards Doom, only because I've played Doom to death and haven't played one second of HL. However, I do have this statement: Doom came first. You don't have to like it, but you have to give it respect. If you're talking about older Doom, its day has passed, really. Varying levels and lights were a big deal back in '94, but aren't anything special nowadays. Doom is your instant gratification shooter. Shoot, get keys. Repeat. If you don't like the first level, chances are you won't like the rest. Doom 3... I haven't played that, considering my computer's been around since 1542. As for HL, I've never played it. Thus, I cannot comment on it.


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16.09.04 20:29
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Quoted :: Archamond

I will say what I think about those games and than you say what you think8)

Doom is legend of 3D FPS games
not just Doom, there are Quake, and Wolfenstein, masterpieces of absolute lords of FPS games, id software
I mean, Doom is game that have great atmosphere, the felling of playing game is realy soemthign special, this is what makes game so special, not some paticles, shadows, lights, animations, story........

On other side there is game that I never played, but I know enought things to say about it. Half life is game that, well maybe have advanced graphic, drag-doll efects, physical engine, efects, but this isnt what makes game so good. Half like dont have that feeling whule playing, that one game need to become ultimate legend, like GrandPrix2, Warcraft3, Doom1,2,3, Quake1,2,3, Starcraft, Worms games, and not much more
That are legends of gaming world that will not be forgoten, that will last forever
And Half Life2...................
There are way too much talking about it and nothing that players can realy see
They told that game will be released in September30 2003
Soon will be September30 2004...
I can understand that they need time for developing game, but dont tell dates then, nobody was saying that doom will be out every 15 days.....

And one more thing that I dont like Half Life becouse: one stupid mod that is worldwide popular even if there are games that are 10 times better, but nobody wants to play them...
Half Life and CS are moneymaker machines, not gaming legends, like Doom3....

be real

HL2 isn't even out yet you dumbfuck, how would you know? Everyone knows that HL2 will be the most played game ever when it comes out.
16.09.04 20:33
Post #8
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It was mainly a matter of my opinion really but I have just thought of a reason. Yes Half Life 2 will be the most played game ever by lots of gamers, and I will be amongest them. But that is besides the point.


Quoted :: The Wishmaster

Why keep it back to compete with a game, when you can have ALL the customers?

The reason I said what I did was because, people have been waiting for a half decent FPS since the third Doom, and a second Half Life was announced at E3. And releasing small videos, screens, etc. got people craving it even more. Thus, the gaming companies can really see which game will sell the best on the set release date.
To see which one the public have been most wanting.
Lets say for arguemnts sake that Doom 3 sells out more than Half Life 2. iD will consider making a 4th installment thinking, "they liked the 3rd over HL2, lets discuss a 4th, etc."

Bit long winded but made my point in the end. Oh, and for the record, Farcry was too easy.

Edit: Which would you choose Wish? Doom 3 or Half Life 2? :?


16.09.04 20:57
Post #9
Last edited: 16.09.04 20:58 (Runt - 1 times) [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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i chose both, obviously. for the aformentioned +'s about each.

No company in the right mind will try to outgun the most hyped game ever... its bad practice.

Doom3 maximises sales by giving the public what they wanted, when they wanted it. When there was no real competition.


did you play farcry on easy? ( i havent finished it or Doom3... both on medium )
16.09.04 21:40
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Nope, I don't bother playing games on easy because it will be a waste of time and money. If you're gonna play a game to finish it, you might aswell do it properly by playing it on normal/medium etc.

I see what you're saying about the competition and I stand corrected. I myself am not interested in Doom 3 mainly because it's such a dark game. Where as Half Life 1 and 2 I am.

*prays for official release date for Half Life 2 to be and stay at 11th November 2004* 8)


16.09.04 21:48
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Quoted :: madknifa

HL2 isn't even out yet you dumbfuck, how would you know? Everyone knows that HL2 will be the most played game ever when it comes out.

I dont think so

Quoted :: Runt

*prays for official release date for Half Life 2 to be and stay at 11th November 2004* 8)

Yea right

Quoted :: The Pope

Archamond, the whole fact that you've not played Half Life 2, is a good enough reason to shut you up.

Tell me one person who played it...

Quoted :: The Pope

You say cs is stupid? How come it's lasted for so long with so many players worldwide. Doom has NEVER done anything like that.

In time of Doom1,2 there wansnt online FPS games, it was begining of internet in that time

And about having that many players, lets count in %
You cant compare modern game with games that are 5-10 years older, in time when connections was slow in whole world and not everybody had internet and was willing to play, you just can compare....

Quoted :: The Pope

CS is a free mod. You can't say it's a moneymaker if it's legally free off the net.

Think about tournaments, glory that it gave to HL, sponsors...

17.09.04 16:39
Post #12
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Ok, deep breath...

Arch, we're talking about Doom 3 and Half Life 2; keep to them. Older Dooms are a totally different matter. Even yourself have been using Doom 3. Don't bring up other games.

You can't compare one released game and one unreleased game. It's IMPOSSIBLE.

Who else has played Half Life 2? The media involved with PC gaming, the developers, beta testers and the play testers.

You're really showing your ignorant side in this thread.

Aaah yes, and I'm pretty sure you won't be getting the best out of either of the games with your PC.

And arch, have you ever played CS in a team? Let alone at all?!

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17.09.04 16:47
Post #13
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

Quoted :: The Pope

And arch, have you ever played CS in a team? Let alone at all?!

I played in team, with my friends
It is fun, but not after few games, it get boring

Quoted :: The Pope

Don't bring up other games.

You first started with CS

17.09.04 16:58
Post #14
Last edited: 17.09.04 17:06 (Archamond - 1 times) [ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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"Half Life and CS are moneymaker machines, not gaming legends, like Doom3...."

at the end of your opening post arch.
17.09.04 17:05
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