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[G]dj canada
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OK.... now this is a tought subject.... and please only reply to this if you have seen MANY movies in your life time.

Personly My top 5 picks in no particular order are

Kill Bill Volume 1 & 2 (not only does the 2 movies have excelent fighting sences... the story line is most excelent... this movie would of made for a great book)

The Italian Job (New Release, not the older movie). Again, excelent story line... plus the movie was shot entirely without CGI affects.

Gone in 60 seconds (Original Release). They totaly butchered the remake of this film. The original version is "for lack of a better word" way cool. The movie is pretty much 80% all car chase... I love it. If you have not seen the original version, I beg you to see it!

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The comedy in this movie is unexplainable.... The medevil times are interesting as it is, but adding comedy to the factor thur the eyes of the monty python crew.... Nuff said.... this is a great film. "The life of Brain" is quite comical as well. Check out both movies if you have not before!

Con Air. Great movie... Again good story line... and good action.

My other picks include, a few of the James Bond movies (alot of them including Sean Conery, But Peirce ruled in GoldenEye), Demolition Man, Billy Madison, and the Great classic which deserves a rating of 20 on a scale of 1 to 10.... "The GOOD, The BAD, And The UGLY"

How can you not love that movie...

Let us not forget Such comedy greats that Kevin Smith has done.... Mall Rats and Clerks... Dogma was quite good too.

But the funnest thing I have ever seen is "Clerks: Uncensored" (AKA: the cartoon version of Clerks)... I showed it to one of the buddies I work with... All we ever do now is quote lines from it.... you must AND I MEAN MUST see it! I consider it a movie becuase only 2 episiods of it where ever aired on T.V... and there is 6 episiods in total. So, only way you can watch it, is to buy the VHS/DVD of it. :)

Most likely I am missing a few other great films, but post you fav. for now, and please leave a desciption of why!...

And By The Way... Do not mention anything about "The Matrix" or "Spider Man". We all know they are great movies... but try to ignor the 'eye candy' of the films... "The Matrix" is an asome story line without the special effects of the movie... and "Spider Man"... it was cool before the movie(s) was/where made. :)

19.08.04 05:25
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Here's my top five, valid only the day i write it, since it keeps changing almost everyday :

Recent movies :
- Kill Bill vol 1.
- Zatoichi
- Fight Club
- The lord of the rings trilogy (3>2>1)
- Heist (like Italian job but I prefer this one).

Not so recent but that i like :

- Yeah, MP & the Holy Grail
- Dark City
- Fargo
- Blade Runner
- The barber


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19.08.04 07:06
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in a kind of order from very-bestest to best, Bloopy loves:

Bad Taste - hilarious horror comedy, very original since the aliens are stupid not smart, and it was filmed very close to where I live; directed by Peter Jackson who did lord of the rings.
Pulp Fiction
Pink Panther series - funniest movies I have ever seen, especially the scene in Pink Panther Strikes Again with the nitrous oxide and pulling teeth out!
The Birds - Alfred Hitchcock rox your sox off
Fight Club
Kill Bill - only seen the first one so far, wiggle your big toe!
Hannibal - my favourite in the series because it's more gruesome I guess!
Frenzy - another from Alfred Hitchcock, the way that comedy is mixed into this movie just makes it great
Milk And Money - bizarre romantic comedy, very funny but only watch this if you think Calista Flockhart is sexy =)
Meet The Feebles - another great movie from Peter Jackson
The Exorcist
Scary Movie series
Con Air
Smokey And The Bandit - old police chase movie, the stupidity of the hick sheriff makes the movie funny


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.08.04 11:20
Post #3
Last edited: 19.08.04 11:23 (Bloopy - 1 times) [Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
Holidays tomorrow, back here and on WN.
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I saw Bad taste & Braindead, cool movies ! :D


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19.08.04 12:04
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Adaptation and The Big Lebowski are great. And Pulp Fiction.
19.08.04 13:59
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You never said anything about not mentioning Star Wars, so...
Shrek I/II
Anything with Abbott and Costello in it.
Monty Python's Holy Grail (I STILL havn't seen it, but I'm sure it'd be up there if I had).
Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen (the 2 1/2 hour series finale to MASH).
Star Trek 10 (can't remember the title).
Star Trek 4: The Voyage Home.
There are undoubtably some other things, but I can't think of them right now.
19.08.04 14:21
Post #6
Last edited: 19.08.04 14:22 (Glenn - 1 times) [Youtube] [Hide Sig (12)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: Bloopy

Pink Panther series - funniest movies I have ever seen, especially the scene in Pink Panther Strikes Again with the nitrous oxide and pulling teeth out!

Ahhhh, how did I miss that one! I love Pink Panther Flims. A few I forgot to mention are The Big Hit, and the Naked Gun trilogy. Anything with Leslie Nielsen is damn funny, Including Airplane, Spy Hard and Dracula Dead and Loving it (Oh man is that every a funny movie). Lets not forget another Mel Brooks comedy, Blazing Saddles.

Abbot and Costello movies are good too, but I like their shorter routines better.

A few I forgot to mention are Die Hard trilogy, The Abyss, The Fifth Element and True Lies.

Oh and the stoner classic, Half Baked. Tommy Chong in that movie is funny as the "Squirrel Master". :)
19.08.04 16:41
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8) I also like the Austin Powers series, in fact Austin Powers 1 is the only movie I have seen 10 times or more.

Quoted :: Glenn

Monty Python's Holy Grail (I STILL havn't seen it, but I'm sure it'd be up there if I had).

I think Life Of Brian is a better Monty Python movie, Holy Grail was too weird for me :P


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
19.08.04 23:18
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[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
[G]dj canada
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Life of Brain is good too, but it did not make me laugh as much as Holy Grail.
I own all 3 monty python movies BTW.

I could of also bought the ENTIRE TV series... but it was VERY VERY expensive... so I passed.... now I wish I did buy it... stupid comedy central does not air it anymore :(

One show I cannot wait to come to DVD is Titus...
20.08.04 04:49
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I havent really seen that many movies, but Lord of the Rings trilogy ownz, probably the best trilogy the'll ever be.


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20.08.04 14:16
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i'm boycotting this thread because you preferred the remake of italian job to the original classic.

I gotta say kill bill, fight club and pupl fiction are up there at the top tho. You cannot compare holy grail to them because they are different films. It's be like comparing the bible and the dictionary.

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20.08.04 14:56
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A few addendums for me:

Monsters Inc. (Yeah, yeah, it's a kid's movie, but the humor was still awesome).

FF VII: Advent Children (this will undoubtably be up there when it gets released).

Blues Brothers (HTH did I forget this one?).
20.08.04 15:02
Post #12
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: ReadMe

i'm boycotting this thread because you preferred the remake of italian job to the original classic.

You boycot a thread becuase of one mans opinion? :|

Oh I forgot to mention "National Lampoon" movies.

Quoted :: Glenn

Monsters Inc. (Yeah, yeah, it's a kid's movie, but the humor was still awesome).

Don't worry... I watch the Duck Tails Movie from time to time. :)
20.08.04 15:37
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well it's your thread, so yeah.

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.08.04 23:54
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[G]dj canada
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So are you saying "The end justifys the means?"

Becuase the threads starter posted a "movie review" that you disagree on, you decided that the ENTIRE thread, inculding other poeples posts... are pointless to read?

And you are not boycoting the thread, becuase you have posted twice so far. :)
21.08.04 04:53
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