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Poll: Are drugs good or bad?
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

Talk about drugs, addictions,are they good or bad? do they ruin the world and make everyone evil? opinions?


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
06.08.04 19:05
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[G]dj canada
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Yurrgggg, Don't get me started on drugs....
it's too much to talk about.
06.08.04 19:43
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

Lol, True but it has to start somewhere!
Like weed... Do you think that should start being legal in Canada/America seeing as how much people smoke it?


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
06.08.04 19:45
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There was a thread what had a topic on drugs, we all talked about it then realy.
06.08.04 19:47
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[G]dj canada
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Quoted :: xWaRxPiGx

Lol, True but it has to start somewhere!
Like weed... Do you think that should start being legal in Canada/America seeing as how much people smoke it?

It worked for Holland, but it won't work here. The government will start putting taxes on it like Cigarettes. And you will get more organized crime eventully...

You really should talk to my friend about this, he is a genuis when it comes to weed and politics.

I think he posts at
06.08.04 19:53
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Medicinal Drugs = Good
Cigarettes/Alcohol = Okay (Alcohol only if used responsibly)
Illegal Drugs (Marijuana, Cocaine, LSD, etc) = Horrible.
That's the short version. You really, REALLY don't want the long version, so don't ask.
06.08.04 19:58
Post #6
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[G]dj canada
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Weed is an EXCELENT drug, it's just that people misuse and abuse it.

Quoted :: Glenn

(Alcohol only if used responsibly)

Alcohol is a horrible drug, but it is legal.... so no one questions it.
06.08.04 20:04
Post #7
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Has anyone heard about the drug Ketamine? It is an anesthetic and can it causes sometimes unpleasant OBEs (Out of body experiences). I'm quite interested in it and I think it'd be interesting to try.

06.08.04 21:42
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[G]dj canada
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Out of body experiences are not good for ones mind... I personly don't like the feeling of distorted reality.

I did shrooms once, and I did not like it.

Weed on the other hand, the THC "calms" your brain down, and you begin to think clearly about wierd stuff. Then again most of the poeple I have smoked with before become total idiots... and did not have much brain power to begin with...

As I've said, poeple Misuse and Abuse weed.
06.08.04 22:16
Post #9
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what I've heard of OBEs is good, not bad... But then those people aren't on drugs at the time. If you want an OBE tho you don't need to be using drugs to get them

(btw, I don't believe OBEs [at least those that people normally experience] are anything other than in your mind, just in-case anyone thinks I've gone crazy ;))

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07.08.04 09:08
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I hear that the type of OBE you get depends on the mood you're in. Being in a bad mood gives scary effects and vice versa.

I believe contrary to zog's belief that OBEs are our astral bodies travelling from our physical bodies. A bit unbelievable to some.

The mind is such a wonderful tool and it's amazing to see the effects of reactions to certain drugs. Very wonderful.
07.08.04 09:46
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

Did you know, you can smoke banana's? Peel of the furry inside of the banana peel and then put it in a pot and boil it untill its like a pasty type. Then leave it to dry untill its like black. Then just smoke it like weed. Ever heard the song Mello Yellow? What do you think there talking about there lol.

btw- I've never tried it.


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
07.08.04 16:33
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[G]dj canada
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It has a very mild affect on one.

I'm more interested in a plant called Sativa. It is like weed but can also cause a mild hulicinative affect.
07.08.04 16:52
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Redbull gives you wings!

I don't think it's ok to smoke weed, or speed or anything like that, but a beer every once in a while is fine cuz even I drink beer or tequila..etc. pretty often.


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07.08.04 16:56
Post #14
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heh i love beer but i hate weed yech beer is good though even my dad drinks beer i buy my own cuz im 21 cuz once i got drunk and fuck 3 girls at once but they didnt know till the other day now they hate my guts because they were drunk to:D:D:D:D:D
07.08.04 17:26
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