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Lol interesting.

Quoted :: Archamond

I think that aliens already visited us long time ago
I think that anceint ppl(greeks, romans...) called them Gods
btw, there are some ancient drawings of Jesus Christ coming out of space ship

That would make sense though.
31.07.04 16:16
Post #31
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[G]dj canada
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There are cave paintings depicting glowing orbs in the sky and oddly shaped men. Even some religions claim of such things. It is fact, but poeple choose to ignore it.

I have heard it all, I am a slight UFO buff. I have even seen a UFO myself before.

I got this crazy theroy on the Virgin Mary and the 3 Wise Men... but I'll spare you your time. :)

Here is a link to the report I filed
Sorry for the poor, poor grammer and what not, I was very exicited when I wrote it.
31.07.04 22:36
Post #32
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if everyone thinks bush will start WW£ and begin a nuclear holocaust, why not just vote for kerry?

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
31.07.04 23:43
Post #33
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[G]dj canada
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It doesn't matter who you vote for... WW3 is comming.

However... Bush is an idiot... He is nothing more than a puppet of a higher order.
01.08.04 00:17
Post #34
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Jesus, will everyone just fuck off saying bad things about americans? Jeez..

Its not like me, or any other american is telling bush to fucking do all that shit.
01.08.04 00:24
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[G]dj canada
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I said nothing bad about Americans. It is clear I am speaking of your government. Even you can't tell me it is flawed... then again all governments are.
01.08.04 00:32
Post #36
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Quoted :: ReadMe

if everyone thinks bush will start WW£ and begin a nuclear holocaust, why not just vote for kerry?

Haven't you seen Farenheit 911? He lost the last election, and he still became president..
01.08.04 03:28
Post #37
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

My theory is.. The egyptions.. Look at what they did back when they were the rulers. over like 3,000 years ago. Look at all the creations they made.. Pyrmids, you need to be a goddamn genuis to come up with that let alone build one. like cmon one brick ways like 6 tons. There way of life was just amazing. Not even today can we rebuild a pyramid with all the tools and technology we have. So i think the aliens visited the egyptions and taught them all this shit, and helped them build everything or something wierd.. they are linked in some way. also stone henge no way that was build by man that long ago .. Also in the bible they talk about giant creatures that used to come to the earth they called them giants and grey people. I had some quotes with that in it but i lost them over time... So ya thats what i believe..

And about this bush thing. hes a f*cking idiot stupidest redneck .. knows nothing about being president .. americas government is horrible bunch of blood/oil thirsty morons.. and I totally believe Micheal Moore about his theory on bush.

edit: the world will end like this


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
01.08.04 05:15
Post #38
Last edited: 01.08.04 18:47 (xWaRxPiGx - 1 times) [Hide Sig (16)] [Profile] [Quote]
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hahaha stupid darkwolf guy i bet his user rating is sooooooooooooooo far down
01.08.04 22:44
Post #39
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Well you aren't being any less nooby at this moment, I would also class that as spam. :roll:

Quoted :: warpig
My theory is.. The egyptions.. Look at what they did back when they were the rulers. over like 3,000 years ago. Look at all the creations they made.. Pyrmids, you need to be a goddamn genuis to come up with that let alone build one. like cmon one brick ways like 6 tons. There way of life was just amazing. Not even today can we rebuild a pyramid with all the tools and technology we have. So i think the aliens visited the egyptions and taught them all this shit, and helped them build everything or something wierd.. they are linked in some way. also stone henge no way that was build by man that long ago .. Also in the bible they talk about giant creatures that used to come to the earth they called them giants and grey people. I had some quotes with that in it but i lost them over time... So ya thats what i believe..

I doubt that. Although stone hendge apparently has a link to aliens.
02.08.04 19:29
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Apparently (I don't know if this is correct) the ancient egyptians lined their pyramids up so that they would be aligned with a star at a certain point. Maybe this has something to do with aliens.

There's also a lot of egyptian drawings that have creatures that resemble aliens in them aswell.

I do believe the ancient egyptians were very spiritually advanced, some were probably very powerful magicians and could have been tought by their 'gods'. Their gods could have been aliens.

The human population are so thick nowadays, aliens don't want to bother helping us, except a few.

I also found this a few weeks ago that some of you may find interesting.

Remember.. be a good skeptic.
02.08.04 20:06
Post #41
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I have to say on the star thing, whilst it likely was the case for egyptians that they lined up well, because they are specific stars, I think, people say the many things line up with stars and make certain shapes or whatever, but you may find that is true of an awful lot of things. Such as buildings that we build now. Although we didn't intend it.. heh

You know I'm a dancing machine
02.08.04 20:08
Post #42
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That sounds more right than pigs theory, although similar.
02.08.04 20:10
Post #43
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[]Unvalidated EmailxWaRxPiGx
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... i pity da foo ... cos da fool pitys me ...

The Great Pyramid is believed to have been built over a 20 year span. The pyramid is so huge and so perfect we wouldn't be able to construct something in this day and age that will compare. Each giant Stone ranges from 1 to 20 tons in weight, and the Great Pyramid consisted of well over 100,000 stones. But the Egyptians had no machinery, engines, or construction equipment. So the question still lurks, who built the great pyramids?

Theories suggest the Egyptians built these pyramids, but this asks us how Egyptians hauled 20 ton stones and placed them perfectly Hundreds Of Feet high (145.75 m, 481 ft high).. Some suggest they built a ramp with stones that went from the ground to the top.

The flaw in that theory is that It would take More Rocks to build the ramp than it would to build the Pyramid. When the Pyramid was done, where did these rocks go??? So that shoots down that theory...

Another question is How did they move these rocks.. Experts that insist Egyptians built the Pyramid suggest, Trees were cut down and smoothed off, and were used as giant rollers under these 20 ton rocks. If you would roll a 20 ton rock on 5 trees, The tree would be too worn down and awkward to haul another, so these logs would be replaced every Stone. Due to the fact there are over 100,000 stones that make up the pyramid, you would need an excess of a half million trees..

Problem with this theory is the lack of trees in that area. Egypt grows some Date Trees, that's about it. And they certainly wouldn't cut down all their date trees, for dates are one of the main foods in EGYPT!

Now the Great Pyramid was the biggest and tallest of all the Pyramids ever built. Since the Egyptians left us an entire detailed written summary of every event in Egypt imaginable, You would think the building of the greatest Pyramid would be discussed. But it Isn't. The Pyramid was referred to a few times in very early Hieroglyphics. Egyptian writing suggests the Great Pyramid Was Standing Before Egyptians Populated The Land. Ancient hieroglyphics have detailed writings of farming, giving birth, Pharaoh worship, Hunting, Building Structures, etc, BUT the Building Of The Great Pyramid Was Never Mentioned.

If it took 10,000 workers per month over a 20 year span to build the Pyramid like experts suggest, There wouldn't be enough people in a 500 mile radius to make this possible.

Actually ancient Egyptian writing often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Many pictures and symbols resemble ufo's and aliens. POSSIBLY aliens built the Great Pyramid. And these solid long lasting construction techniques were adopted by the Egyptians.

edit: Thats the theory i believe.


xWaRPiGx's Maps!
03.08.04 00:27
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Thats my theory. Believe it or not!

not. Really. You got it from this page:

You know I'm a dancing machine
03.08.04 10:03
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