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British accents may be hard for you to understand, and some are, but most aren't.

24.06.04 18:53
Post #31
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Heh, you should hear my accent. I may type well, but wait till you hear how i pronounce words....You'll laugh so hard you won't be able to get up from the floor, i promise you
24.06.04 19:58
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Everyone round here speak slow and we have a lot of slang but we understand each other. If someone from say America was to try and understand us speak they would have difficulty, I dont think the american accent is hard to understand although it is kinda funny!
I live in the midlands of England and I think peoples accents from the North and South are pretty hard to understand.
My great grandma was from wales and her accent was very strong, I didnt have a clue what she used to say I would just answer yes to everything.


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24.06.04 20:53
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Actually, I don't live in the US but some parts have accents and some don't have accents, depending on the area. Same with Canada. The Newfees have accents and so do the french, but the rest of the people sound normal. Same with most of the US.
26.06.04 03:32
Post #34
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What about the obsessive use of the "eh" word? I thought that was part of the Canadian Accent. I hate American Accents, because they are all either rednecks or extre ruffians. Or extreme wuss-bags that sound like they are on cocaine.
26.06.04 05:05
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Im from near Liverpool up in the north of England, i have a slight scouse accent, and talk fast, sometimes people on TeamSpeak cant understand me. I dont know if thats because my voice it so high or not :)

and ive never realy spoken to someone from another country face to face, apart from the television, where there are lots of American Accents....

i wouldnt be able to tell the difference between a Canadian accent and a American accent if i heard them both tho, they sound so similer to me...
26.06.04 08:07
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Quoted :: VisioN

and ive never realy spoken to someone from another country face to face, apart from the television, where there are lots of American Accents....

you have an american telivision? and you speak to it? :P

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26.06.04 11:35
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Quoted :: Dumazz

What about the obsessive use of the "eh" word? I thought that was part of the Canadian Accent. I hate American Accents, because they are all either rednecks or extre ruffians. Or extreme wuss-bags that sound like they are on cocaine.

No, the eh word is just a strerio type. Most Canadians don't use eh after every sentence. In fact, we use it just as often as Americans. And none of us talk like weird ass hicks that say "eh" all the time.
26.06.04 17:52
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Well, let's see what all the different accents are in the US, shall we?

New York
New England
Northern Midwest
Southern Midwest
Accents to go with each nationality living in the US
A few others undoubtably.
26.06.04 20:39
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Quoted :: C1

Actually, I don't live in the US but some parts have accents and some don't have accents, depending on the area. Same with Canada. The Newfees have accents and so do the french, but the rest of the people sound normal. Same with most of the US.

Not all the guys from Quebec have accents. Very few of them.

Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Dumazz

What about the obsessive use of the "eh" word? I thought that was part of the Canadian Accent. I hate American Accents, because they are all either rednecks or extre ruffians. Or extreme wuss-bags that sound like they are on cocaine.

No, the eh word is just a strerio type. Most Canadians don't use eh after every sentence. In fact, we use it just as often as Americans. And none of us talk like weird ass hicks that say "eh" all the time.

Don't forget about how all Canadians live in igloos.

26.06.04 22:15
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Don't forget about how all Canadians live in igloos.

I thought that the Inuits lived in igloos. Strange, must be behind the times... :P
27.06.04 20:39
Post #41
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Quoted :: Dumazz

Or extreme wuss-bags that sound like they are on cocaine.

And you would know? 8O


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27.06.04 21:39
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Hey, hey, I wasn't trying to be a sterio-type. Someone really stupid told me, I was being slightly sarcastic. Which I didn't bother feel like showing. Let's get off that subject...
Docta_Shade, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I know, I always know. I will always know. It's always the teenagers that sound like they are on cocaine and ecstasy and any other kind of illegal drug. Once my big brother took weed, and his voice started to sound weird for a few days, and he stopped. I don't like teenagers.
28.06.04 02:10
Post #43
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Oh no... I just turned a teenager today! I'm morphing into a monster... I'm a poor doomed child :lol:


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28.06.04 14:14
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Quoted :: Glenn

Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

Don't forget about how all Canadians live in igloos.

I thought that the Inuits lived in igloos. Strange, must be behind the times... :P

No, no1 lives in Igloos. And even most Inuits don't know howt to make igloos. The only time people make igloos, are in the north, for special occasions.
28.06.04 22:16
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