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Quoted :: CBWhiz

Quoted :: Dingbats

Can't you ... fix the bugs in the code ... yourselves?

Sometimes I hate being good at things, because if your good at something everybody assumes everything is your fault and expects you to simply magicly fix every problem that is out of your control. :)

The annoying part is that they think we are so lazy that we'd prefer a crashing server to a "simple" fix that everyone thinks this is.

You see, that is how miracle workers are made, and programmers become legends. So get out there, improve yourself, and magically fix those bugs so we may worship the ground you walk (type?) on. :D
03.04.04 04:01
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The last time I applied myself to solve a huge problem, it got fixed the correct way by the people who make the game I was coding around :)

It was Warcraft III, i forget which patch. I teamed up with somebody online and we brainstormed how to use arrow keys for movement in multiplayer (before the events were added).

Ah, twas a glorious hack that we pulled togethere. We were the only ones ever to have done it. Ever. Of corse since our map was a test map and not a functional game nobody really cared and nobody tried to implement it. THen a month or two later, Blizzard added the events that would have saved us weeks of brainstorming and quite a lot of coding and workarounds.

Its best to let problems fix themselves :)
03.04.04 17:02
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You are nerdy.:)
03.04.04 17:04
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I think it's cool that he was able to do that.
03.04.04 17:33
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He's my idol. No, really, he's not, but I would like to have his 5killZ.
03.04.04 17:34
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His 5 kills? You don't strive for much in life mate...

Learn to look, look to learn.
03.04.04 17:37
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Nice 1337 joke there Pope :P.

And yes, it may have taken you quite a while to create that hack for the game, but at least you now know that you can do it, and maybe you'll make another hack for some other game down the road. And hopefully it'll be a game that I actually own ;).
03.04.04 22:16
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I own at all games...
04.04.04 08:23
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