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Seeing as there are too many Art orinatated comps. and Fuzz's Sword comp. went down well, I though "Do a new one"

You have to describe your active 3(1st 3 worms) worms in your team. Here is my EG:

Team name: Team Teamers.

Psymon, The leader of the team. He Seams to be a cold hearted person, But he Does have an eye out for his team. He attacks with the power of a suicide bomber on Crack, and Protects the team at any cost.He formed the team with Yuna and Bob as the first teamers.(He also keeps an eye on Yuna ;) )

Yuna Is Lady Luck of the team, She can get out of any situation thrown at her,(In cool style)where most would fail. She's been known to dodge a bullet or two.Yuna attacks with luck on her side, She'll either Blow the baddies into a bazillion bits, or plop and fall on her own grenade.

Bob is Psymon's right hand man, and will do anything the boss says. He is a trained master in the art of roping and can fly the map in a sinch.He is also the tech brains of the team, with the current invetions of the Flying sheep and the banana bomb.

Edit: ah yeah the usall stuffs, win money, time limit, I'm judge.

19.03.04 14:26
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heh, well my team isn't intersting enough. At the moment it's "The Pixels" with worms

"Pixel 1"
"Pixel 2"
"Pixel 3"

You know I'm a dancing machine
19.03.04 14:45
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My team is called Default.

The leader is Dr. Mr. Lord who seems to be very lucky with the positions on the map, he always gets the best position. He is really good at aiming with the shotgun.

Worm 2 is Odin The BIG, the roper of the team. He often brags with his skills, which Jeffieboy doesn't like.

Worm 3 is Jeffieboy, who can do almost anything. He is often the last worm standing.
19.03.04 15:32
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My team name is _,.-~'`'~-._

Leader: _/`\_ ;Master of jumping, walking, and using drop items (Ex: Vase, dynamite, mine) Goes to the darkside when alone or needed. Also, he is the master of the parachute and bungee when at high heights and needs to get low. His favorite weapon is the Priceless Ming Vase. Never uses any kind of suicide weapon, for he has to much power as a leader.

Worm#2: =.=.= ;Master of roping, crate grabing, and throwing items(Ex: Nades, HHG, etc) accurate. Gets most of "Best worm" Awards in games for all of his accurate attacks and surviving the longest. Gets very frantic when alone and teleports to safe places. His favorite weapon is the Holy Hand Grenade.

Worm#3:<<<>>> ;Master of aiming guns, wind effected weapons,(Zook, Mortar, Flame strike)and uses suicidal weapons when important. Uses combat weapons all the time. Most lucky member of the team, who is the one to most likely get armegeddans, concrete donkeys, and sheep strikes. His favorite weapon is Kamikaze, Especially during sacrified- needed moments.
20.03.04 01:01
Post #4
Last edited: 20.03.04 01:13 (MrrLL - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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MY team name is a rather clever pun if i do say so myself.

"Scotch Guard" This is a treatment that is performed on furniture to stop it from catching fire, could also mean a guard (standing army) or scots. Hence the first 3 worms are:

Billy Connely - A famous scottish comedian

William Wallace - A famous scottish rebel during the English invasion

Sir Walter Scott - A famous scottish explorer

Cant be arsed to remake my sig.
20.03.04 15:49
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[]Star Worms
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Team Name: WrU Clan

Worm 1: Star Worms - Founder of the WrU Clan
Worm 2: Glenn - Moderator of the WrU Clan
Worm 3: wormmayhem - A devout member of the clan.

20.03.04 17:57
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Team Name: OneWingdAssasin (It should be One Winged Assassin, but there isn't enough space...)

Worm #1: Sephiroth - THE One Winged Angel, he has a 8 foot long sword called the Masamune that only he can weild. He can do just about anything at anytime, and all with a perfect poker face. Also, he is always awaiting the perfect oportunity to kill off Cloud (who is his puppet), and Aerith (who stands in the way of his attaning perfection).

Worm #2: Cloud - Mercenary for hire, he'll take any job, as long as it pays enough. His weapon of choice is the Broadsword, but he also uses guns in a pinch. His current job is protecting Aerith from Sephiroth (which isn't too hard since he needs to protect himself from him anyway).

Worm #3: Aerith - Once an ordinary flower girl, her life totally changed when she realized she had special powers. So now, she is constantly on the run from people that wish to exploit these powers. She is always accompanied by Cloud, her bodyguard. She prefers using fire, but can also use martial arts if the situation calls for it.

As you can see, my worms don't get along too much...
20.03.04 18:20
Post #7
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I have 3 teams.

Silenced is my main team for wwp

The teams memebers are

" " who doesnt speak
" " who doesnt speak either
" " who also doesnt speak

My worms rules eh ( anyone whos played me, my worms are nameless )

Ther eis also Team Fried Rice

and Singularity for w3D
22.03.04 09:18
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Last edited: 22.03.04 09:19 (The Wishmaster - 1 times) [Hide Sig (0)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Heh, nice. You should make a soundbank for that team with silent sounds.
22.03.04 14:22
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Yeah, and then everyone would download it... WAIT a minute. If they're silent, then it would be an empty soundbank. I could make that soundbank... Nevermind.

Anyway, seeing the current posts, I'd say its going to be between Psymon, MrrLL, and myself. So get out there and post your teams!
22.03.04 22:43
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Team name: routine_error

  1. routine_error - The main worm, also represents me, if I had to be represented by a single worm.
  2. bubba - Holding the team together, bubba tries his best, but he usually ends up dead in but a few turns.
  3. steve - I always liked that name, couldn't come up with much else.
22.03.04 23:14
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I DO have a sounbank with no voices. My worms do not speak.
23.03.04 10:22
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But for everyone else they do speak, Unless i'm playing WA, Where i've turnt the music and sound off, So I can hear my music perfectly with nothing in the way.

23.03.04 20:00
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Er... right. I still can't understand how anyone could suffer through a game of W:A without hearing the worm's voices. But, this is coming from someone who thinks the voice acting in Star Ocean 2 was good (and I'm digressing anyway).

I'm somewhat partial to the Angry Scots soundbank.
23.03.04 22:40
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The voices in Worms are one of the most important parts in the game. Most of them are funny and add to the gameplay. They're a part of the concept.
24.03.04 19:40
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