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After being at for a long while i am finally at the top for every possible stats. I'm top for uploading files, hits, posts, threads, posting words on word association, and finally for money. Tho u don't see im at the top for it right now i was at the top before it was reset. So therefore i had more than anyone. (I once had 28,000). And first to be blueie. Tho i probably won't be at the top of these stats for long.

Here is the proof that i'm at the top. If you don't believe me check for yourself.

An image!
An image!

15.03.04 22:39
Post #1
Last edited: 15.03.04 22:42 (C1 - 1 times) [Hide Sig (2)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Meh. You beat btp. What's the point?

15.03.04 23:22
Post #2
Last edited: 15.03.04 23:23 (SPAZ - 1 times) [WWW] [Hide Sig (10)] [Profile] [Quote]
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To feel special :) I dunno lol.
15.03.04 23:28
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i have noticed something....everyone has been using tables in there do you do that,.....i'd like to make a sig that is a table sort of....
15.03.04 23:30
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Er... this ring a bell? "Win with grace, lose with dignity."
16.03.04 02:25
Post #5
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[]The Pope
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No one cares.

Edit: lol, nice little cough you got there SPAZ. You may've spammed but this is worse than that. You're an arrogant, self obsessed twat C1.

Edit Again: Ultimate User? What's that? How do u catergorise an ultimate user? I believe the so called ultimate user on BTP is anyone who has help create BTP. The fact that you could be better than someone at something which they created is absolute bs.

Do you go up to a game designer and say I can beat you at the game you made! No. Simply because the fact that he created the game will make him better than you ever will.

May I just take this chance to say I detest C1 and think he is the most immature, stupid, snobbish child I have ever spoken to.

Edit Once More: 'first bluie'? My arse. I don't think you remember all as it was C1. We were both over 1000 posts when the social status became active.

Edit One Last Time: A fucking sticky? For this self ego boosting trip which is of no significance to anyone but perhaps your mum? I'll be getting rid of that for a start.

Think I'll just leave off the edits because this is utter bs beyond belief. "To feel special"? Oh poor diddums. Don't get loved enough in the real to feel special. Go seeking for affection online?! OFFS.

Oh look, I went to a Nickelback concert. I'm not a nerd. I can't be. I'm hip, outgoing and trendy. Give it a break C1. You answer all technical problems with Window solutions, tell us which site hosting company to use, supposedly hand code your site, create web comics and now you present your 'achievements' of your online life to us? Who gives a toss? No one.

Learn to look, look to learn.
16.03.04 09:12
Post #6
Last edited: 16.03.04 09:31 (The Pope - 5 times) [Hide Sig (14)] [Profile] [Quote]
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C1, if this is what you most enjoy in life, then congratulations on fulfilling your wildest dreams. You really should feel 'special'.


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
16.03.04 10:40
Post #7
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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C1, you have made alot of people angry.

The truth is as everyone else saud "nobody cares"

go outside
16.03.04 11:03
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I'm not against ya or anything, just thought I'd point out some errors in your rant . . .

Quoted :: The Pope

No one cares.

True, but he does. I say that makes this just a little better than those senseless spam topics others keep posting. Even if ya don't want to read it, at least there's something to read in this thread.

Quoted :: The Pope

Edit Again: Ultimate User? What's that? How do u catergorise an ultimate user? I believe the so called ultimate user on BTP is anyone who has help create BTP. The fact that you could be better than someone at something which they created is absolute bs.

Not true. Anyone can program a little diddy puzzle, they may not even be good at the puzzle, but if they're good at programming, then programming the puzzle may be really easy even though the programmer is not good at the puzzle.

Quoted :: The Pope

Do you go up to a game designer and say I can beat you at the game you made! No. Simply because the fact that he created the game will make him better than you ever will.

They do have contests and tournaments for big games. You know, those ones some 14 year-old Korean always wins?

Quoted :: The Pope

Oh look, I went to a Nickelback concert. I'm not a nerd. I can't be. I'm hip, outgoing and trendy. Give it a break C1. You answer all technical problems with Window solutions, tell us which site hosting company to use, supposedly hand code your site, create web comics and now you present your 'achievements' of your online life to us? Who gives a toss? No one.

A'ight. Doesn't mean you have to beat him down like a lepper though.
16.03.04 14:57
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[]Star Worms
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Quoted :: C1

After being at for a long while i am finally at the top for every possible stats. I'm top for uploading files, hits, posts, threads, posting words on word association, and finally for money. Tho u don't see im at the top for it right now i was at the top before it was reset. So therefore i had more than anyone. (I once had 28,000). And first to be blueie. Tho i probably won't be at the top of these stats for long.

Here is the proof that i'm at the top. If you don't believe me check for yourself.

Are you top for uploading the most of your own files? No:P About 80% of the files you uploaded weren't yours...And you're not top on Poker - there's your next task;)

16.03.04 15:52
Post #10
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LOL C1 i really think you should get yourself a life coz it sounds like your totally obsessed with BTP and trying to be the ultimate user.

Obviously as The pope said the only ultimate users are those who created BTP and helped create BTP so i think you should go and create a new life in pakistan and try and be the ultimate corner shop owner.


An image!

16.03.04 16:24
Post #11
Last edited: 16.03.04 16:27 (Docta_Shade - 1 times) [Hide Sig (5)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Avast, 'tis a fine day to be sure.

OK! i think people have put their opinions across, and i'm not thta kinda guy to be mean for no reason, but C1, you do have that edge of trying to be superior, which is not always good. and i dont think that you have the authority to go around judging people and their creations seeing as you do absolutely jack all. go get a job

An image!
16.03.04 16:32
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I don't hate you, C1. If I were in your situation, I would probably do what you just did, too.:)
16.03.04 16:37
Post #13
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Quoted :: Docta_Shade
so i think you should go and create a new life in pakistan and try and be the ultimate corner shop owner.

LOL. No chance of that.
16.03.04 17:21
Post #14
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

16.03.04 17:30
Post #15
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