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Quoted :: ReadMe
The Sims only gets boring if u use cheats, play the game properly and it's great, i've been playing it for months and i still haven't gottena round to going downtown or on holiday etc

well ya it's fun tho with cheats too because then u can make giant mansions with great arcetecure. I've played tho propertly as well tho. I also made a sims city lot with ppl's companys and a downtown that fits in with that too. And way down in the lot was a Bum House. I used a crappy wall paper, old tv, wasted money so they were really poor, crappy beds, etc. It was going good and they were losing tons of money but then the only bum with a job got a raise so i had to wait more money. But enough with my blabbering which u probably wont understand anyways...
12.10.03 22:18
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ugh... people... i hate them...

It was I who closed the thread! before readme posted! Why you ask? OFF TOPIC!

To make thing worse, you start a thread, named pretty much the same as the old one, and on page 1, post 1 you TALK ABOUT A COMPLETELY DIFFRENT TOPIC. If you wanted to make a sims thread, YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED THIS "The Sims Discussion" OR SOMETHING! AND, YOU SHOUDL HAVE MADE IT IN BLAMETHEOFFTOPIC, BECAUSE SIMS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BTP MONEY!
13.10.03 01:08
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Statusless? Maybe
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Ofcourse, this is not porn:):):)

you are right:)
13.10.03 06:25
Post #3
[ArchamondCOM ] [Hide Sig (20)] [Profile] [Quote]
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wow C1 is in trouble, but id like to point out that the topic of the thread is diffirent, if you actually read the descrition in the little writing. Apart from that maybe sum1 should move it to offtopic/general disccusion. I think he posted here cos its where the original thread was tho 8)
13.10.03 09:29
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Why don't we just rename the thread, and move it? like this...

You know I'm a dancing machine
13.10.03 16:23
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Because now C1 wont see how retarded he was, and people will call me retarded because the title no longer copeis the other! :)
13.10.03 22:45
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well why the hell did u close it in the first place? I wouldnt have even made a new topic if u didnt close it. And now this one is off topic of wat i was firstly talking about! :(
14.10.03 00:35
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Quoted :: C1

well why the hell did u close it in the first place?

Quoted :: CBWhiz

Why you ask? OFF TOPIC!
14.10.03 01:06
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Well now that we got that off our chests...
I got Sims off kazza because the Sim's that I bought was scratched. I played it a lot and it was fun. I actually started neglecting worms. *gasp* Then I played worms again and I said, "What the heck was I doing playing Sim's?" The end.
Well actually I still play it occasionally and actually made a charector with my name that looked like me with a hot wife in a huge mansion and I got his personality points perfect by giving him no points and then reversing his personality with the sciance lab thing in the Livin' Large expansion pack. That'll all happen in real life in a few years eh?

14.10.03 01:11
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hmm well i uninstalled the was one of my last game fads...Sims, Roller Coaster Tycoon, Sims, Worms Armageddon, and also lately it's been runescape as well.
15.10.03 22:18
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

people will call me retarded :)

because you are dearie ;)
16.10.03 09:16
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