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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

But they didn't have nipples :)

They had to of! *goes to the store and gets a barbie*
04.08.05 21:35
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C1 is correct. Barbie's don't have nipples ;)


05.08.05 15:13
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Quoted :: TheAbdBoy

But they didn't have nipples :)

Quoted :: Runt

C1 is correct. Barbie's don't have nipples ;)

Aye said they don't have nipples

05.08.05 19:07
Post #48
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Orangie Orgy
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Everyone has nipples. Plastic dolls CAN have nipples but they're a diffferent race.
Barbie is a slut, but has no nipples cause her onion had them cut the nipples off.

She was glad to see that food-nipple still in charge of the starship cause man, she was wanting that big, grunty, thirst!
05.08.05 19:13
Post #49
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i still have the original carmageddon that is for windows 95 =) it was a great game. there were soo many levels, and most of them were huge with tons of secret stuff.
05.08.05 20:56
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Quoted :: Runt

C1 is correct. Barbie's don't have nipples ;)

I do believe C1 is incorrect.
06.08.05 18:54
Post #51
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Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Runt

C1 is correct. Barbie's don't have nipples ;)

I do believe C1 is incorrect.

I do believe C1 is correct. Why would childrens toys have nipples, it's like 'Toy Porn'


07.08.05 03:11
Post #52
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Quoted :: Runt

Quoted :: C1

Quoted :: Runt

C1 is correct. Barbie's don't have nipples ;)

I do believe C1 is incorrect.

I do believe C1 is correct. Why would childrens toys have nipples, it's like 'Toy Porn'

Because kids are supposed to keep the toys clothing on. And i'd say a naked barbie is kid porn all on it's own. Even without nipples
07.08.05 04:42
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I sent another email to Jack Thompson, this time trying a different approach. Stay tuned for his reply, assuming I get one.

Did you ever stop to think for a moment that your crusade against video games could have some rather undesirable ramifications. How about the toppling of a $6 billion industry for starters? Then, we'd also have the multitudes of people that would no longer have any jobs, and at the rate that the United States is making new jobs, it is unlikely that all of these people could find new occupations, and would thus throw the unemployment rate through the roof. Furthermore, without the games, many retailers would take a major hit in their profits, and it also would put retailers such as Electronic Boutique and GameStop completely out of business, which would adversely affect the economy and create even more lost jobs. Then, of course, we have the game companies and retailers that have stocks on the market. Without the games, those stocks take a major fall, and now even more people are put out of their money and the economy takes ANOTHER hit. Finally, we have governmental ramifications. Video games take in a lot of tax money for the American government by various methods. One is just the sheer selling, then there's postage fees for shipping, exports AND imports, taxes paid by the companies themselves, and so on. The government already has a huge defecit, how would making it even bigger make things. All it takes is one country that comes to claim their IOU for this country to instantly shut down.

The economy has just crashed, the government has just crashed, and where does that leave everyone else?
08.08.05 05:39
Post #54
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Slightly off-topic: Hey Glenn, I think I know why he didn't reply to my email. My subject was: "Hey Fucknuts!"

08.08.05 06:43
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Whoa, do you think that could possibly be the case? :|

Anyway, to anyone that decides to send him an email, as SOON as you get a reply send the transcript to appledude211 on AIM. He's compiling all the crap replies and sidesteps Thompson has been sending people and is going to try to get them on a few news stations (CNN in particular).
08.08.05 07:33
Post #56
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want to see his silly website?

Also if you want to flame him:
08.08.05 14:33
Post #57
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Quoted ::

If you have kids, have them start shooting hoops instead of humans.

What the hell is this guy thinking?
By reading all that article, he's got the biggest grudge against RockStar Games more than anyone.

I'm going to email him saying how much of a twat he is ;)


08.08.05 14:43
Post #58
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Hey Megalomaniac
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Quoted :: Jackass Thompson

I am trying to protect our freedoms.

HAHAHAHAHHA! Yeah, good one, man. Protect them by going on a big power trip against every video game with any manner of violence whatsoever, why don't you do that. Honestly, the games are rated "M" for a reason. And, I mean, sure you can pin the head on a few whackjobs (or as Jack calls them, "innocent childrens") that started shooting stuff because they played one too many GTA games. What about the millions of cases with people like me, that aren't overimpressionable lunatics and happen to be able to hold on to that thing called "reality?"
Oh, God! You're an idiot!


Av drawn by Hunta Killa, outlined and colored by me.
08.08.05 15:23
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Actually, his response to just about any email, even those that agree with him or suggest things to help his cause, is curt and inflammatory. Thus the compilation of emails.
08.08.05 15:54
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