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Quoted :: Glenn

Also, Spadge has hinted at a possible new 2d Worms if W4 goes well.

I'm pretty sure he was taking the michael, has a Team17 game ever gone well?
22.01.05 22:39
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Theyve gone well enough to see them through times close to hell, where all other businesses like them have screwed themselves. Yes, they are doing well for such a little known business.

Keeper, if you spent less time with your eyes glazed over in front of a colourful screen and did some work, maybe got a better job, than wouldnt you be able to eventually afford the damned thing?

Go DVD's, go worms 4...oh and punch hole cards!
22.01.05 23:27
Post #17
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Fu dude...

I work when its avalable to me. I live in the boondox bro.. where the trees and the deer out number the people.

Im a carpenter, by trade, been doing it for years, and I'm not likely to change. Its winter now.. Lots of snow.. You can't build houses in the snow... well you can and I have, but there;s like a foot of it. and more falling now!

And that STILL evades my point! The point is we should be able to choose. I dont want to have to buy a new drive for my PC to enjoy a game where its not needed... About the 2 CD thing.. I ment that only for the installer be spread across 2 CD's like Sim City 4. But you only need 1 CD to play it.. (disc 2). I dont see why that would have been so hard.

Who ever told anyone that dvd's are cheaper to produce.. there 4 times as costly bud.. check your facts.. Or better yet go to wall mart and a a look at the difference between DVD's and CD-R's. I know that isn't fair because DVD's are marked up a tad higher due to supply and demand. Still, DVDs are more expensive.

Bob.. next time you make a coment about my life or habits... have ALL the facts and circumstances, Which you dont...

23.01.05 01:44
Post #18
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Quoted :: CBWhiz

I prefer DVDs.

Either way though, i'm just going to make an image, so i guess it doesnt matter too much for me :)

The publisher Codemasters includes StarForce with their games. Do you think you will be able to run the game off an image, let alone even copy it?


Quoted :: Bloopy

Quoted :: thomasp
I suppose that's one "good" thing about my degree (aero engineering), there aren't too many terms/words/etc that have "alternative" meanings.
What, like cockpits, turboshafts, thrust, nozzles, corkscrews, ram drag, payload, flaps, and wind tunnels?
23.01.05 06:10
Post #19
[Planet Bloopy] [Hide Sig (7)] [Profile] [Quote]
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Can your PC even run it? ( Keeper ) Iirc you posted a pretty shit systems.

You cant just never adopt a new and superior media type, just cos a few people wont take it.

Obviously its DVD for a reason.

Your going to have a field day with blu ray discs. :roll:
23.01.05 11:25
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Quoted :: Bloopy

The publisher Codemasters includes StarForce with their games. Do you think you will be able to run the game off an image, let alone even copy it?

Afaik you can crack StarForce, but i don't have any StarForce games, so I don't know if the cracks work :o
23.01.05 11:30
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So..if you have a DVD-rom, you can play Worms 4?
23.01.05 17:52
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Quoted :: C1

So..if you have a DVD-rom, you can play Worms 4?

Yes, you must have the DVD drive. Unless you get the TryMedia version (they have all the other Worms, why not W4?), which of course, wouldn't have a disk.
23.01.05 20:05
Post #23
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Quoted :: Jay

Your going to have a field day with blu ray discs. :roll:

Blu ray discs...They would be something. especially since that one Blu Ray disc holds about 20GB. Thats about the same as 25 CD's.
So think abotu what is cheaper to make, 20 discs or one disc.

Plus with CDROMS the box would be bloody huge


The meaning of life is.... Forty-two!

23.01.05 21:00
Post #24
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It has been confirmed that newer blindwrite + premium + 1.03 firmware can backup newest starforce.

But then again, I just want the image. I only need to worry about 1/2 of the battle (reading) which is a lot easier :)


Starforce 3 is media-wise uncopyable, there is no way to have it on a disc (in a normal way, non-image) and run it

Again, image possible, burning not. Thats all I want - HDs are cheap :)
24.01.05 08:07
Post #25
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I have a DVD-rom for my pc, my brother has a DVD-R, another computer that my family has, has a DVD rom. That, and we'll be getting a DVD recorder for the TV. :)

24.01.05 20:57
Post #26
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DVD recorders rock...

better than shitty VHS...

How much are they?

probably not to much
24.01.05 21:13
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DVD recorders that can be used on TVs cost ~£80 to my knowledge.

Learn to look, look to learn.
24.01.05 21:31
Post #28
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Quoted :: Jay

Can your PC even run it? ( Keeper ) Iirc you posted a pretty shit systems.

You cant just never adopt a new and superior media type, just cos a few people wont take it.

Obviously its DVD for a reason.

Your going to have a field day with blu ray discs. :roll:

ROFL.. no Jay Accually I can't run it at all. I had probs with W3d demos, let alone the game.

As I said... W:A is cheap.. I just had no way of accually getting a legit copy.

And when w4 comes out.. I'll get it for PS2.

Bloopy, I have no idea what game your talking about, but it sounds hot.

As I mentioned above, some game require a DVD.. like Comand and conquer.. and yes I do think that W4 could be run from an ISO..

Pope.. 80 pounds is like 130 bucks here.. Thats money I dont have. Like I said, I'll prolly pick up W:4 when the price drops.. like.. a lot.
30.01.05 13:05
Post #29
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Can I be the first to give up giving you ideas on what to do and say:

Your screwed, live with it.
30.01.05 18:00
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